BG Must be resolved - VOTE for either options

Dear Blizzard,

BG queue times are 1 hour plus which makes it unenjoyable. maybe due to horde % are higher than alliance so we will have to fix this either to give us the option in-game to fight for the alliance in BG like retail Or give us the option to faction change.

New Idea! Option 4

Under the hood matchmaking mechanic that automatically lowers the queue times for both ally and horde, HOW ? by grabbing all those players in queue for both ally and horde and set them to play against each other evenly.

this way there will be no pay-for-faction change and no more unbalanced queue because somehow 90% of the horde decided to play BG as ally! in option 1

id like to see the community of classic TBC response to this thread as well as Blue post.

if you want to vote for in-game to fight for the alliance in BG like retail reply 1
if you vote for PAY for faction change reply 2
if you vote for Both options reply 3
if you vote for the New Idea section of matchmaking BG population fix for both factions reply 4

thank you all for your time.


Option 4 - None of the above


This thread for horde only.

Better luck next time son

get a life man


The changes you are proposing do not only affect the Horde Population of the game.

You don’t get to choose for us.


3 !! do what u want , but find a solution ! if not in this case u will lose a lot of horde player ( Money) and this will be the solution, we dont sub for stay 1 hour afk for join against ally premade full geared and lose in 1 min ! is insane play like that. find a solution for who pay your salary .


and that makes me promote option 4

under the hood matchmaking mechanic that automatically lowers the queue times for both ally and horde , HOW ? by grabbing all those players in queue for both ally and horde and set them to play against each other evenly.

this way there will be no pay-for-faction change and no more unbalanced queue because somehow 90% of the horde decided to play BG as ally! in option 1


That’s just Mercenary mode without a toggle option.

No thank you, It has no place in Classic. Roll Alliance or deal with the queues.


Player created problem needs player solution.

Soultion = Make more alliance.


Gonna have to stop you there mate.
Because this will not damage anything in the game, in fact, it is a great solution.

p.s roll alliance is faction change and don’t tell me TBC had no faction change back in the days, we know that we need a solution got it? hihi

If they introduce mercanary mode, I expect a barber.

They either give us all qol changes or none at all.

It’s not fair to pick and choose.


I think you are lost, mate
Barbar isn’t a problem that has to be fixed right now we are having an issue as mentioned, queue times are 1 hour! for battlegrounds and we are giving solutions here and there. please don’t go off-topic

thank you


No it isn’t.

Proof: I am posting here.

Also, I vote for: None of the options.

Neither is the BG queue.


option 4 means the new idea , sorry too late :slight_smile:
thats actually resolved now

Read option 4

thank you

No, problem, I change my vote: Option 5: No changes to matchmaking, no MercMode, no Faction Change.



Like I said it’s either all or nothing.


BG queues are an issue. 1-hour queue sup mate you feeling good?
take panadol extra.


They are not an issue of the game.
Matchmaking works exactly the way it did in Vanilla TBC, which was the goal of this remastered version.

It’s not the games problem if people start creating characters for one faction en masse.



Character Boost to 58 wasn’t “exactly the way it did in Vanilla TBC”
where were you when they implemented that huh?

relax and accept it as you accept the level 58 Boost
with the cute mount ^^

thank you for your input , cya

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Right here on the boards, explaining to people why a one-time boost doesn’t change the game.

A complete overhaul of faction identity on the other hand, would do that.

What is there to accept? Blizzard will not introduce any of these proposed changes.
