Blizz fix broken things pls

Azerites and essences are out of control
And some classes are broken as hell
1.Ret pop buble and hit ppl for 30k
2.War slams ppl for 15k
3.Dk pops blood of the enemy and 1 shot ppl
4.Sub triple cheap ppl to death and if you trinket then he will kidney and double cheap you wich is insane a class should not have such a cc kit with this amount of dmg
5.Prot pala healing better then holy pala by pressimg word of glory
6.Ele burst 5k bolts or lava bursts throwing them in a row deleting ppl threw deff cds
I know its pre patch but we want to pvp and i dont see sl realese date so PLS FIX THE BIG PROBLEMS

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do you play priest?

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You forgot aimed shot hunter. Able to almost one shot anyone.

Nothing is relevant at all and they should only nerf exclusively what is broken in Beta and not on prepatch.

Or they pick nerfs specifically what also is broken or was broken on Beta like UA dispel. So expect nothing.

kajutsu wai u meking again new forums? zey wil not fix prepash mens!!! are u not untersten?

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Priest is strong yes but nothing is broken about it
Its just the new s tier
Mm hunter hit hard somtimes still didnt see 1 hit more then 7k wich is ok if its on 2 m cd and the other dmg out put is midcore
What you tell me in other words is unsub til sl
Beacose the pre patch will take time

Im sorry, but you want them to take time out of a DELAYED EXPANSION. to fix TEMPORARY PROBLEMS?

Please read above.

Again Point 1

Once again point 1.

Well beleive it or not, trying to push them to try and Balance Prepatch is Ridiculous… Just take a break til SL launchs if it effects you this badly.

you reliese S Tier exists for broken Classes right?.. A Tier is considered the point of balance Lmfao, S tier are for those overperforming

by Saying its S tier ur litterally saying its Broken, in a balanced game Nothing would be S tier and every specc would sit in A or B tier overall.

but its all irrelevent. no Active PvP Season it doesnt need balancing… leave them to concentrate on actually getting SL Functioning cause currently its a buggy unplayable mess. and most of us dont wanna be stuck in BFA til 2021 Summer.


I like how you didn’t even actually describe the problem with rogue, which is having essences + trinkets which hit for absurd amounts and being able to kill some dps (not all) in dr’d cheap shots.

Read the last line too much cc for thier INSANE AMOUNTS OF DMG
Iknow my eng is bad but your trolling

and spooki what you tell me is dont play how is it good ? should i unsub ? I pay for this monthly i want this problems fixed
do you even understand what i am talking about
And remmber i and alot of other ppl cryied about pre patch in bfa and ppl said the same sh1t as you say now and whole bfa was a freakshow
and about S tier is not broken like you said
its overpreforming wich makes the class strong and fun but the class dosent 1 shot anything or have infinite cc its just good over all strong cds high dmg good deffensivs
I think all classes should feel like thier S tier
Its just good over all
Broken is somthing you cant out play and i can oit play shadowpriest had 0 problems vs them after azwrite nerfs
So stop being bis and defending wars slams wich is why you here

who cares about prepatch pvp.
i dont want them to put any resources in prepatch pvp. Please dont listen to this guy.
They should just fix beta

Overperforming is literally just a sysnonym for broken. And destro was overperforming and wasn’t anywhere near fun.

And yeah, if you don’t like it unsub. I am considering it actually because i find the pre patch boring as hell and pre patch PvP absolutely unfun.

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