Blizz pls buff

pls buff hunter more in pvp they are bad in raids common
use your logic devz


my friend to use logic you need to have a brain and I doubt they have it

do we tell him? do we tell that uh dk currently turned fotm?

If you talk about 2s you trolling
3s maby but no one actualy not even 1 decent friend plays the game anymore
Out of awhole 200 ppl in guild
And 30 irl frieds
3 ppl stayed
pvp is dead by amile

And i just checked awc good try troll dks are non excistant
Rmp is fotm

It’s very fun to check the dmg profile of a hunter and see that most of his damage is dot from killshot followed by killshot and wildfire dot. Literally more dot damage from one single legendary than from affli.

And hunter is basically non existant in amc as well. SO if the argument is that dk is bad cuz basically no awc, then hunter is bad cuz basically no awc, which makes your whole post invalidated from the start.

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And AWC is essentially irrelevant for all of us here. The reality of the ladder is maximum ooga booga in the purest forms (which outlaw “rmp” is too, anyway)

in 3s the uhdk numbers went up for sure but its not fotm.

uhdk was actually played in AWC not long ago. if i remember right team liquid was 0-2 with double outlaw against rmp. they then switched to uhdk/outlaw and beat the rmp 3-2.

Yeah but it was NA AWC. Tell me when someone plays it in EU

ye mes the only one who plays it.

Check 2s ladder show me numbers and tell me hunter isent busted
If rmp get a good nerf
Awc will be jungle
And some very good ret wars maby

Check 3v3 ladder and tell me dk isn’t busted…

i checked how is it busted???
litterly 2 dks top 100

I agree buff hunters. Buff DT and Aimed Shot damage.

I meant more like how much its currently played.

Qued on 2300 10 hunters in arow
Out of 20 dps specs

noone serious cares about 2s anyways.

ppl there are too spoiled playing with holy priests and misplay so bad but get safed by 1 heal all the time.

I see 282 ilvl ppl losing to my sheit geared hunter with a rsham just 4 ilvl more on 1.9k mmr. Despite playing sv hunter/sub rogue/outlaw + holy priest. Even that one dk i met was completly in faceroll heal tunnel mode lining his own mate. idk how he got there even.

2s is a clownfiesta.

Especially now when everybody went pushing 3s and 2s is pretty dead (on xunamate ladder lvl). Recently played a bit 2s on outlaw on 2.2, and there were 8 games vs outlaw+hpriest, 1 sub+hpriest and 1 rm with the same sub. 0 hunters, so I guess they require at least +30% kill shot buff. Is it supposed to be like this?

Hunters bracket is 2s, specially sv and they are still s tier after strategem nerf, obviously. 4 set is disgustingly dumb. Probably hunters dont wanna play against outlaw and loose their rating?

id say personally bm hunter is better for 3s than sv.

I just cba playing 2s on hunter on 2.4 vs infinite outlaws, it’s winnable, but just frustrating, same as vs frost mlp earlier

p.s. and for 3s, we pushed it a bit as jungle recently to 2.4mmr, and it was demolock cleaves all along, with some retwars and triple r1 awc rmps closer to 2.4. The only hunter team we met was 58 games ago on 2k mmr :full_moon_with_face: