Blizzard are u having a laugh with affl warlock in arena?

It is utterly unplayable how can they honestly justify it? even when i use my circle or gate dk pulls me back twice and fury warrior just rolls his face across the keyboard and they both treat me as a bunching bag as i rp walk around hoping my healer can out heal the abuse i’m receiving and my only stun is a hard cast that gets me spell locked (shadow btw my only spell type) and mortal coil lasts 3 seconds and heals me for a pixel of health fear also hard cast so useless. If something isn’t done about this i’m honestly moving on from wow because wtf am i paying for a game that is this much of an unbalanced joke. oh and not to mention the vicious saddle progress bar is bugged as well so 10/10 game.

bait used to be believable


Play howl man. Coil ain’t worth playing in shuffle

When this happens to multi r1 tournament players, what do you think it’s going to happen to warlocks at 1300 solo shuffle?

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They play alts, do you expect to be them on same lvl as their mains? Cringe dying in opener in tournament, but thats how modern pathetic wow pvp tournamets are nowadays

On top of that, big warlock wall available, coil not used. Healer has trinket and swap. This is some of random soloshuffle quality of game. And warlock ports on low hp, so healer couldn’t trinket and save, ig their hands were shaking otherwise it cannot be explained

Its not 2006 ofc everyone can play anything, youre acting like He didn not play lock for years.

Also i love this “lmao they used only 3 of their deff cds instead of every single button they had, they deserve to lose” like what. Obviously there was a misplay but still what Is this mentality lmao.

Nah m8, it is a you problem
first time playing lock this expansion and got 1.6k in shuffle, only took 8 lobbys with a 57% win rate
Just play impish into two melee and go watch some videos by Jazggz, you can easily spot how to play lock in arena by watching that dude play

I really hope they nerf sub and bm/mm after awc.