Blizzard opened Gehennas, so why not all servers?

A couple of weeks ago, Blizzard in its wisdom decided to open Gehennas and Firemaw for transfers between them while having faction change enabled. This lead to many guilds leaving Firemaw for Gehennas and the population of Gehennas skyrocketing even more.

So there is absolutely no reason anymore to keep other servers locked to transfers since all servers have lower populations. Less than half of the population on Gehennas in fact.

Blizzard, the shtick is up. Open the servers. We will have none of it anymore.


you will have all of it and suffer, either that or unsub …

Indeed, it’s time. They’re most certainly losing subscribers because of this lockdown, I know I’ve thought about it.
Open the gates.

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Why limiting ourselves to just opening? Merge it all. Or better yet close it all. No difference at this point considering bots are close to being half the current population.

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