Blizzard, pleaze, rework sub rogue

Sub tier 1 talents are garbage, tunnel damage is trash and energy regen is pathetic. Why ret pala’s burst is as big as sub’s when ret is a tunnel spec?! Why cloak and vanish cd are the same for all 3 specs, but assa and outlaw both have better sustain? What happend, Blizzard?

i can not follow you, sorry.
please rework your original Post. I’d suggest using the english language.

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I giggled

P.s I need to type 10 characters.

Mr Zeil’s english isn’t very good. Don’t worry, I’ll translate it to you:

Sub tier 1 talents are garbage, tunnel damage is trash and energy regen is pathetic. Why ret pala’s burst is as big as sub’s when ret is a tunnel spec?! Why cloak and vanish cd are the same for all 3 specs, but assa and outlaw both have better sustain? What happend, Blizzard?

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Up. (20 symbols)

agree with that. Sub needs some slight buffs.

I think i will be maybe one of few, but pre 7.2.5 legion sub was most fun sub for me ever. Loved that spec and teleports with shadowstrikes. There was plenty of room to outplay ppl with it…miss it souch :sleepy:

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you joking right? It was the most boring unskillful spec

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I am not joking, it was biggest fun i ever had on sub ever.

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To have 2 or 3 Shadow dances is really bad… i’d love to see the old sub.
1 shadow dance … with big numbers… not like now, hitting like a noodle with 6k shadow strike.

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One long shadow dance would be awesome.

Also backstab shouldn’t be maximum damage from the back only, melee already have parrying problems backstab shouldn’t be double penalized.

Sub definitely need some buffs and love but still it’s an awesome spec!

It was fun for roug only, by the way this is realy not a well example of outplay. It was just brokken. try to imagine me to say" i had outplayed most mechanics with my autobubble proc in Legion". Isnt it sound bit weird and stupid ?

Sub needs some love thats for sure, but not this kind of monkey love.

Sorry, bit sub at that time had almost no burst and dmg so i dont think it was broken. And comparing 5y charge with autobubble is really not fiting…anyway i just expressed that i liked that style and iteration of sub more than current or previous.

in pvp its realy broken to jump on someone with using zero movement skill so often, thats even worst then cheat-death mechanic on long CD, it was absolutly tedious try to play agaist it as caster, i talked with my friend about it. He absolutly wasnt able to get how someone can imply such broken spell to pvp and with 2,7k rating in 2 expansions and 2,4k in tbc he was realy expyrienced one, such awfull skill it makes one of the most skill dependant class not very funny joke in the eyes of the others. Every non interactive save, movement or high dmg dealing ability (waching you passive azerite procs) is truly degenerated gameplay , why becouse of player should do nothing or almost nothing to benefit from it, its simply way to destroy gameplay in the game by taking it off and be able to move propperly in pvp/pve is one of the pillars of skill in every part of this game thats why its not mouse only, hack and slash RPG

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