Blizzard: stop screwing with fans

From the new content come with patch 8.2.5 it’s clear that Blizzard is obviously perfectly aware of the main different positions and feelings that the players have built around the conflict. Many characters are mad about the same things us players are, they recite the same talking points and give people flashbacks of forum threads about revenge for a race or about people being evil or not. It honestly feels like a slap in the face because it means they knew this would happen but they simply stand by it as normal.

… it ultimately just feels like Blizzard sincerely believes that an emotional negative reaction means that it’s necessarily good storytelling. It’s like they saw a few clips of people recording their reaction to the latest Game of Thrones episode and wanted to do the same at all costs. There’s some writer(s) in the team who thinks they’re way more clever than they actually are, and this needs to stop.

A cheap scene for shock doesn’t last about as much as the damage done to the universe. Especially when these scenes are predictable and boring.


Their story writers have the level of a random bad tv show.
Don’t expect them to have the intelligence to understand how bad they are.

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I’d honestly prefer that, but I legitimately think Blizz writers are doing some sort of “Social Experiment” and are obscenely proud of the visceral, tribalistic reactions of the audience over the franchise they’ve been invested in for years going down the toilet.

Blizzard is an immense company with all the money in the world to throw at writers, I’m sure they love themselves dearly and are well proud of this mess.


Why are you making the Horde destroy Teldrassil?! - Hey, you don’t know who will destroy it yet, it’s all a mystery!

Why are you repeating MoP?! - Hey, you don’t know yet if there will be relevant differences!

Why are you making Sylvanas a Comic Book villain?! - Hey, you don’t know her motives yet!

…and I fall for it every time, thinking that no one could be that stupid as to finalize the obvious crap. And I will probably fall for it again.


Makes me feel sorry for all the artists and voice actors.

What they do is amazing, but it falls flat when the story behind it is complete garbage. :sleepy:


Agreed with the OP. Idk about you, but I’ve deleted BFA forever.

The blessing that the completly overhyped Game of Thrones gave us. People thinking “shocker” moments and death of beloved chars will automatically make a brilliant story. Let’s think how the end of GoT was recieved…

Let’s hope the next addon we cut the stupid and by now unbelievable faction conflict and switch to something that actually makes sense.
The only problem is, how would you do that without retconning the War of Thorns…


Why wouldn’t you retcon that? :wink:

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Imagine that: Teldrassil and Lordaron never happened and all the rest is about Sylvanas going hokabonkers xD
BfA lora abit redeemed? Maybe we will find out all was just a bad nightmare induced on us by N’Zoth xD

Well, it wouldn’t make it worse…

Do not!
Tempt the forces of Darkness and cruelty.
to prove you wrong.

I’m used to my predictions being wrong, so what’s one more?

Fair enough.

It’s not fair to remember GoT by the TV-series. The books pull off the big shocker moments excellently, because they aren’t just there for shock value. They’re there to serve the story.

I don’t know what the story is of BfA anymore. It’s too convoluted. Things progress way too fast just to push these big shocker moments at us. Correct me if I’m wrong, but Saurfang is quoting himself from one CGI trailer ago. The way he did it sounded kind of like he was bringing up some old wisdom from long ago, but nope. He’s basically just repeating himself. I felt nothing.

And the main crux of the matter is that this kind of storytelling doesn’t really suit an MMORPG. Present us with a world, give this world a history and give us an enemy to fight. A reason to fight, if you will. Mists of Pandaria did this well. Every expansion that came after it? I’m not a fan of their narratives.

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I mean considering WoD had one patch.
It’s kind of unfair to have it fight a full expansion like MoP.

But yes expansions after MoP Start Strong, and then just die down.

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