Blood Elf Lore Leveling Zones

Hi all!

I’m levelling a Blood Elf and would like to know what the best Blood Elf lore zones are for all of the expansions? So, any places that have quest hubs with Blood Elves or stories that concern the Blood Elf people… just zones or hubs that are Blood Elf-y in nature.

Thank you! :smiley:

There is one in Hellfire Peninsula Falcon Rest something like that

The isle of Thunder in MoP

You’ve got the obvious, Eversong and Ghostlands (Lorewise Ghostlands used to be called the Black Woods, before the Scourge came). You have some Reliquary stuff in Blasted Lands, but its not really lore stuff as such. Falcon’s Watch in Hellfire Peninsula is good fun, and you get the general lore vibe of -why-people flocked to Outlands by listening to the pilgrims in Thrallmar, the dialogue gets across the fact that these really were people looking for a better life, who had been utterly lied to, by the one person they should have been able to trust the most, their own crown prince…
Depending on your flavour of Blood Elf, you may find the Scryer/Shattrath stuff of interest, it certainly gives an idea as to how Kael’thas’ campaign started to unravel, once more and more people worked out what he was -actually- doing, and the lies he was feeding them. Depending on how far along you follow the Scryer stuff, then Shadowmoon Valley may be of interest, You get more Scryer stuff, then obviously you see the Blood Elf Demon Hunters being trained over by the Black Temple.
Lets not forget Terrokar forest, where there is a whole massive quest chain, leading up to that bete noir of the Warcraft World, our first introduction to the Mana Bomb.
Goes without saying that Tempest Keep, Magister’s Terrace and Sunwell Plateau are all pretty Belf-centric.

In Wrath its mainly all the Sunreaver stuff, If I remember rightly you first encounter an Image of Aethas in Dragonblight, and apart from a few brief interludes in Crystalsong forest, its pretty much all the Sunreaver stuff.

Mists of Pandaria is very good for Belf lore. The major questline for the Domination Point faction extensively involves Blood Elves, and neatly sets up the tragic events that occur later, with the Purge of Dalaran, as in, as the Horde player, you know Aethas is innocent, as the Alliance player, you are sure he is guilty. You get some major insights into the Sunreavers, and the High Elves in that. As in, No, not all Sunreavers are military or mages, some are just shopkeepers and civilians, and as for High Elves, oh my goodness they are not ‘the good guys’ at all, you basically play through some incredibly grim sectarian violence, which for once, the Blood Elves didn’t bring upon themselves. Following on from that is, as has been pointed out the Isle of Thunder. Oh this is good. This is a goldmine for Blood Elf info, We see the heavy hitters of the Blood Elves getting massively involved and getting their hands dirty, Lor’themar, Rommath, Halduron, Aethas, they’re all there. In particular Lor’themar firmly proves his bada$$ credentials. We see the return of the Mana Bombs, admittedly, this time as ‘Tactical’ Mana Bombs, so small ones, and we learn that Jaina and Vereesa are actually OK with Mana Bombs, as long as -they- are the ones using them. If you like Blood Elf stuff, Isle of Thunder is a -must see-.

In Warlords of Draenor, the Blood Elves play a fairly decent role as well, Liadrin is one of the first through the breach, and later it seems the Blood Elves have quite the sizeable army in Talador, where they are working alongside the native Draenei.

Legion doesn’t have much specific Blood Elf stuff to start with, although you do work with the Reliquary a fair bit if you have archaeology and take the quests, and then suddenly, in the latter stages of the Suramar story everything goes Elf-Tastic, the Battle of the Four Armies, Sin’dorei, Quel’dorei, Kaldorei, Shal’dorei, all get a massive slice of the pie, it looks pretty awesome to be honest, and does make you wonder what the species of Elves could have achieved had they not went their separate ways.

And that brings us to BfA.
For a start, -DO- the Heritage Armour quest. Even if you are never going to use it IC, do the quest, you get to play through the Scourge Invasion, see Quel’thalas as it was. Lor’themar is being utterly bada$$ again, Blood Knights don’t even exist yet, Liadrin is a Priestess, It takes you through Ghostlands, Eversong, Silvermoon, Quel’danas, right up to the Sunwell. It gives you a massive jolt of Blood Elf history and lore in one hefty package.

Apart from that, there isn’t much in BfA, however from the looks of things, our boy Lorthy is going to be a major player in 8.2, so we shall see…


Kael was corrupted by the Fel … This is the reason why he betrayed his own people , Illidan and himself.

It was called Eversong Forest before it was called the Blackened Woods. The name Blackened Woods came with the Red Dragons. Anyway, just another tidbit.


According to quests there we (players) defeat Night Elves, trolls and all Undead forces. Those are Burning Crusade time quests.

But In Cata we visit Ghostlands, to help in a war against trolls. Trolls were not defeated yet.
In Void Elves quest line, in Legion, we visit Night Elves camp in Ghostlands. Night Elves still are not defeated there.
Finally in Sylvanas comic, which represents times just before BFA, when she met her sisters, they fight against Undead forces. Undead forces still are not defeated in Ghostlands.

In other words Ghostlands quests does not represents reality.


Thanks guys for the info! I look forward to trying out all your suggestions, and especial thanks to Brigante!

I think we all know the reasons for that, and it’s initials are S.W.

Crazy stuff about that Comic. Vereesa and Alleria are perfectly happy riding Undead Horses. I guess this idea about the Alliance hating the Undead just for -being- Undead doesn’t count?

Second Crazy thing. The Blood Elves will prosecute a War, on their own, without any help from the Horde, on the other side of the world. They will send troops to a different reality and time, and prosecute a War, on their own, without any help from the Horde. They will go to a Legion infested hellhole and help overthrow a Legion occupied City without any help from the Horde…

Yet they can’t get rid of the Undead in their back garden? Ludicrous, utterly ludicrous. They only keep Ghostlands ‘Spooky’ because they need somewhere for Sylvanas to tell her tragic stories -Again-, and because they are too lazy to update the zones for Draenei and Blood Elves.

Lets be honest, if they were humans or Orcs, they would be all over updating those places…

In Cata we attack Zul’Aman. That doesn’t happen in the TBC quests, so that is natural progression.
The Void Elves…Jeez…They can be bothered to update Ghostlands for an -ALLIANCE- race, but not for the Horde Race who live there. Right…
I mean, if the Night Elves -are- still there, then the Sunreaver actions in striking at Darnassus by stealing the Divine Bell are completely justified, meaning Jaina and Vereesa are -definitely- War Criminals.
Can’t have it both ways.

Any comic with Sylvanas in it, has to ram home how tragic her life is as an Undead, even though she seems to enjoy it. Sadly, the Blood Elven development has to suffer in return for some of the Dev’s erectile excitement over Sylvanas.

Ghostlands is great for TBC lore. After that, it is no good. The Zone is trapped in TBC. Once you’ve killed Dark’han Drathir, you’ve broken the back of the Scourge forces. A fact Blizzard seem to have forgotten. Just like the zone itself…

To be fair, nor do Darnassus ones, Tirisfal Glade ones, Elwynn Forest ones, Ironforge ones, Exodar ones, Durotar ones, Gilnean ones, Mulgore ones, Shenzin-su ones, Death Knight ones, Demon Hunter ones…

I mean take your pick, none of those starting experiences reflect how the zones look now. Difference is, Blizz keep producing these idiotic things about Ghostlands still being Scourge infested, despite you actually stopping that. Is Northshire Abbey still under attack by Blackrock and Goblins? Eesh, Stormwind is so close, if only they had done something in the six years that have passed.

You can’t take in game representation as how things are. We know Silvermoon is good now, we know the Exodar is -fixed- now, We know Elwynn is not attacked anymore, Ironforge has dealt with its problems,

Know the only place that still gets forced into the TBC era?
Know why?
Its all about that prepubescent dollar…

Realistically the whole place is scoured and cleared by now. But…but then where would they tell Sylvanas spooky stories about how tormented she is? :smiley:


The Azuremyst and Bloodmyst isle quests are still locked in the time where the Sun Hawks…hang on a minute…
checks Brig’s Guild Name.

you demon serving b*stards! raises fist.

That’s not us! I promise! We were just designated the name as we are Dragonhawk riders and it seemed sensible, honest Gov! I fought with the Shattered Sun against that filth nods. Different Sunhawks, Death to the Traitor Prince’s Regime!

Kael’thas is the one true king you traiter. Atonem for your sins.

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Loyal to the Regency, Loyal to Quel’thalas. Traitors must repent, as the Regent Lord is a merciful one, and will accept you back. There is no rulership of Quel’thalas, but the rightfully appointed Regent Lord. Patriots stay at home and fight, only the faithless run off on foreign flights of fancy. You have a Sunwell again, due to those that stayed behnd, of the Shattered Sun. You’re welcome…"

Show me your Shattered Sun Tabard…! I want to see that Golden Crest…!

He was a traitor all along. He had those fel green eyes, even before fel was a common thing, in Quel’Thalas or for the Elves.

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Heh heh, I do actually have one, as this character actually -was- part of the Shattered Sun Offensive, which is highly amusing when we have guild meetings on Quel’danas and all the NPC’s keep bigging me up :smiley:

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Not sure if sarcastic, so my apologies if you are, but we did attack Zul’aman in TBC and had quests there regarding the war effort. We went in to kill Zul’jin.

Yeah, I more meant the resurgent Zul Aman with the Loa chappies, the TBC attack seemed more like a surgical strike, whereas the Cata version was going back in and finishing the job. Sort of like the Iraq situation in 1991, then the second time in 2003, That’s what I meant by natural progression, We gave the Amani a smack, that didn’t take, so we went back in there and kicked the doors in, trashed all their stuff, and pretty much wiped them out.

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