BM or MM for 9.1 PvE Content

BM or MM for 9.1 PvE content|?

Not a single reason it won’t continue to be MM

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If you check Azortharion’s twitter, looks like sv pumps in both st and aoe, even if you take the bow into consideration.

MM hunter, blizzard buffed BM because MM was already OP but MM got buffs too, so if you want an easy win in battlegrounds go MM and you can oneshot everyone. I play BM but sometimes when i really wanne win a BG i go MM and i’ll oneshot everyone blizzard can remove all my other attacks if they want i only need one. It is ridiculous. I truly do not understand why MM got a buff i am starting to believe Blizzard wants people to go play FF14. Pvp balance is ridiculous in 9.1

Since the buffs there is little to choose between them dps wise, now more middle of the pack than bottom of the pack. Advantage of MM in mythic+ is their burst, advantage of BM is their dps while moving.

BM is solid atm, it only lacks uncaped or to hit more targets in AOE/cleave.

Please stop saying MM was OP. We were not and we still not OP.

The Topic you are replying to even has PVE in the bloody title
Do not talk about pvp you are just plain wrong when you do.

This is the most easy thing to explain in the world, because Hunter was the Worst Class on damage in the new raid all 3 specs was within the 4th lowest specs in the GAME.

Then when they opened up mythic they do a balancing patch buff and nerfs to dps specs.
They always do this.
Because of the place that hunter was on the list the specs got buffed.
This was not news in anyway shape or form, and if you have played more than 1 raid tier in world of warcraft you do not have the excuse of not knowing this was going to happen.
They have done this at least from when mythic started.

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