Brawler's Guild - Mage tips

This thread is meant first of all for myself since I’m very bad as a mage, but willing to learn, and for any other that tries to take on the Brawler’s Guild!

I will update this thread as my fight goes on, but I think I really need a hand.


This is it, I’m stuck at mecha-bruce with no clue on how to do him. I’m simply not fast enough. I should probably try to outgear him, but he kills me when he has slightly less than half life so, not even close to his death. Any advice is very welcome here!

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Update 13/06/19
Since I’m going forward little by little, I decided to transform this thread into a “guide” (more like “I managed to do it this way”) so if any other arcane mage comes accross and is in need of help, he or she could check this out.

My journey so far:

Panda Farmer: For some reason, this fight has been the hardest so far for me. Had to figure out a new set of talents just for it and try MANY times. In the end I managed to kill him by keeping my burst for later, luring him on a few rotten cabbages before and after taking some of the good ones for my self. Then frost nova, shimmer, and raining hell upon him with the help of a flask and time warp. I hate pandas.

Ahooru: On the other hand, I was expecting him to be very hard, instead, I managed to kill him on my first try. It’s rather easy, I lured all the angels at once and kept aoeing them, then made sure to move and make them charge Ahooru. His shield was down rather fast, then I burned everything I had and in a few seconds I managed to kill him. I interrupted him when he tried to cast his full auto heal, but I was damaging him so fast that probably I could’ve killed him before the end of the cast (no point in risking there though). Remember to shimmer away when he surrounds you with the golden globes, that way you won’t take any damage.

Ouroboros: Took me a few tries, I managed to kill him by bursting right after his transformation at the beginning (I just waited for him to drop the void puddles, then I found a good place where to set my rune and I burned everything I could) - this gave me a significant edge, I cut his HP more or less in half, then I spent the rest of the fight running and spamming instant spells and missiles, with the occasional blast when I could stop. Killed him with an arcane explosion while dodging his ray.

Sanoriak : not that hard TBH. It’s a fight where you can easily stand still and just blink when he spawns that horseshoe of fire around you. While standing still, you can burn everything you have and he will be down soon enough, just remember to interrupt the occasional Pyroblast and keep your shield up for the rest of the attacks.

Spymaster: done! Took me a couple of tries but his health was so low that I managed to kill him after 2 explosions. The fight in itself ain’t hard, since his HP is low, however I wasn’t able to cheese the mechanics and I had to deal with a couple of explosions. Just remember to spot the item he’s talking about, then as a safety measure slow him down or freeze him in place to avoid him slapping you away from the safe zone. If he blinds you, and he blinded me, either you remember where to go, or you spam arcane explosions to find him. I managed to kill him with an arcane explosion right before he was able to trigger another of HIS explosions, but I was able to do so because I brought him at like 10% health by burning everything before.

Warhammer Council: easy peasy lemon squeezy. Didn’t ever bother much about avoiding the charge-stun and interrupting. I started by burning all my mana on a rune of power and it did quite decent, but then I just swapped to aoeing them to their death - and by doing so I could also auto heal me, so I didn’t lose any health at all. Killed them just by spamming arcane explosions and barrage in the end, at first try!

Meatball: easy, really. Take something like… 20 orbs? Then rain hell upon him. He should be down before he manages to enrage, if he does though, freeze him in place, shimmer, and keep nuking him.

Millie Watt: this one was challenging. She has a very high dps so, even if you follow the tactics, you’ll end up dead rather soon. Of course avoid that electric circle, and stand in it when she casts that 15 seconds stun, but as soon as you avoided it, shimmer the hell out of there. It’s better if you burn everything you have at the beginning of the fight, cause the more you go on, the more she damages you. I used every trick in the book, even frozen up myself just to make her stop attacking me for a second, then for the last part I kept spamming instant cast just to stay ALIVE from her auto attack. You will eventually kill her, but it could take a few tries (she definetely took me more than a couple).

Tidemistress Shellbreaker: easy. For the first time you’ll be able to feel like a hunter, since you have a tank here. Just spam arcane blasts and burn the usual way, remind to keep an eye out for the little turtle and don’t be afraid to stop the rotation to move him. You have plenty of time, she has little health. The best moment to burn everything is at the beginning of the fight, since there are little to no distractions for the little turtle.

Mingus Diggs: this one is easy too, I followed the guide on Icy Veins and did just fine. Stand on a totem, destroy another one, then move onto another totem and destroy another one until all 4 are down. Then easily nuke the dwarf. Should be rather easy for a mage.

Nibbleh: this one is easy too, but you have to plan where to go. This fight works much like snake, and your enemy, a snake, must always move and never stand still. He will leave poison behind him so, you can’t pass through it. Make him run the perimeter of the ring while dpsing him. I slowed him down too so I could easily spam arcane blasts. Keep in mind that the more you go on with the fight, the more you will have to move since the space will be less and less, so you probably want to burn all what you have early (since you have more time to stand still)

Stitches: this bloody one. Had to kill him twice, since it didn’t count my first win. Fairly hard, since the fight would require to move a lot and, you know, you can only spam blasts when you stand still. He has a rather high dps so you will eventually die even for his auto attacks, therefore you have to nuke him as fast as you can. Of course move away before reaching 10 stacks of poison, it’s not necessary to explicitly exit the poison circle to do so, but if you run near the perimeter of the circle, the stacks will reset and you won’t be slowed down. You have to try it tough, it doesn’t always work correctly. Anyway, I had to struggle with too much damage from him, so here’s what I did:

First, when you enter, place rune, arcane power and time warp, obviously with your shield up, and SPAM BLASTS. If you have to move before 10 seconds, try to stay near the rune. At this point you should’ve chopped more or less 1/3 of his health, but if you’re like me (392 ilvl when I was fighting him), at this point you will probably have low health and you will need to heal yourself. So, while time warp is still up, use trinket and intellect elixir to keep a decent dps, then spam insta spells (explosions and barrage, use your instant blasts too here) until you have a decent amount of health and you’ve run out of mana. Stop, Evocate, get 4 arcane charges and use the potion to restore some more health, then burn again what you have. By the end of this he should be dead or close to it, so you could keep spamming instant spells to stay alive and kill him. Remember to re-cast your shield everytime you can!

Robe-Robber Robert: easy, you don’t even have to worry about him. I even messed up quite a bit and still managed to win on my first try. You’d think you’d have a hard time having only counterspell as an interrupt, but your real strength here is shimmer. Just lure him onto the tornados and occasionally interrupt his attacks. You’ll lose some clothes, but he’ll lose his faster than you. When he’s naked, nuke him, 10 seconds are more than enough to kill him at this stage (just don’t burn before he’s in this state or it will be just worthless I guess).

Ok this is it, I now can’t do Mecha-Bruce, I simply don’t have enough dps. Have to figure something out…

Update 23/06/19: There’s just no way to kill mecha-bruce, I’ll wait to out-gear him

This is my mage!

Your gear is the main issue. With better gear, you can bypass most of the mechanics.

I did the thing in like 408ilvl and it was a faceroll, except a few bosses where mechanisms are more important than dps.

I also have experience with the Brawlers, I competed them all since MoP, 2 times with my mage and the fights are mostly the same (I was frost all the time, because it’s my favourite spec and the kiting is really useful, also I’m specced for mobility, I hate Glacial Spike anyway and I’m good enough for the level of content I do - so I’m doing it for fun).

So you need ilvl, a good understanding of your spec, proper keybindings and muscle memory also helps a lot. Knowing the fights and having a basic environment awareness will make it for the win.

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Thank you!
Ok then, I’ll start by gearing up! I’ll keep practicing my spec, I don’t really like the idea of changing it since I like being arcane but I’m open to the eventuality and re-spec to frost or fire (?) if they are better at this. Would you advise it?

Arcane has two slows and frost nova, instant damage with missles and good burst too. Arcane should be fine for it

Yea it has those, but my problem is I can’t spam my arcane blasts for long enough to make a decent dps. So either I stop slowing the enemy and keep my dps high enough, (but I can last like… 3 or 4 auto attacks) or I keep slowing and moving, but this way I won’t be doing enough dps (that’s why I die because of the 2 minutes timer, not because of the boss itself).

As Meslum stated it’s probably just because of my low gear, which I’m now working on, so perhaps the second strategy should be fine, as long as I keep luring the boss onto the pumpkins

Play the spec you have the most fun with. It doesn’t matter after a point, because you’ll need a minimal dps for each encounter. If you don’t meet the dps requirement, then the fight is unbeatable, no matter how good you are at the strategy. (You have to take into account, how good dps you can do while moving, because you may have the dps while standing still, you can lose much by moving/avoiding things.)

I haven’t played arcane since Legion, and frost was always my main spec (fire for a short time, at the start of Legion, when frost was too bad for 5 mans), so I can’t advise in what spec is good or bad for you.

I can tell, you can make frost one of the most mobile ranged spec (by not using Glacial Spike), it’s not a good burst, compared to the other 2 specs, but good sustain dps, so I don’t lose much dps while I’m moving. Frost having the single best absorb bubble in the game, makes up for the lack of selfheal (sometimes prevention is the better option), has 2 Ice Blocks (which are also good to use for removing dots), so it’s also more forgiving for mistakes.

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The mage shields are all the same strength but each has its own bonus. Frost slows attack speed of melee, Fire does dmg to anything it touches and arcane reduces magical damage. But I agree they are basically heals in pve content.

Try using missles instead, they don’t require charges and you don’t have to finish the cast to use them. Be sure to use frost nova and shimmer on cd. Can also put a nether tempest on him when your running away (don’t have to be facing him to use it). Also can use your instance cast arcane blasts while running away if you jump, turn, blast, turn. I wanna play arcane now.

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I’ll keep that in mind, thank you! My problem anyway it’s that right now my missiles, tempest, that purple orb and insta blasts combined won’t do enough damage to keep the dps high enough to kill the boss, I should try again when I get better gear.

I might consider taking that talent over shimmer maybe, the one that lets you cast missiles while moving if you have clearcasting…

You made me look after it, because in Legion, frost had the strongest shield.

Now also Wowhead says that Ice Barrier is calculated by 22/100* max health, while the other two are calculated by 20/100* max health. So frost shield is still the strongest in magnitude.

Made me look too. You are correct, I must have misread it when I looked it up long ago. Tell you what would be good if you could choose between them. Frost shield v melee mobs, fire against weak mobs and arcane against raid boss’s magic attacks.

Update! I managed to defeat Ouroboros so, I moved a little forward. Ahooru was the easiest fight among all, managed to get him down at first try, while Ouroboros took a few more. In the end I managed to kill him by spamming arcane explosions and barrage since you have to move a lot, but I managed to stop 2 times to spam arcane blasts on a rune of power, doing a few tricks with shimmer and displacement to avoid attacks.

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