Bring Back Cascade for Aoe Shadow Priest in M+

Hello Blizzard if you ever read this will you be able to bring back Cascade again?

I Miss this ability Cascade

Was so fun to pop it and you saw it went bouncy bouncy, Wouldn’t this save shadow if you brought this spell back. it sure was more fun to play priest back then than now we didn’t have to stand still for one second if you watch that game play footage with all the running and affixes and boss fights shadows Aoe Is complete dumpster at the moment.

With 9.0.5 addressing nothing on my previous post :slight_smile: please bring back anything to shadow they feel lack luster at the momment.


Idk what difference it’d make, it would add more pad style damage to bgs but it’d do nothing for us in any raid or dungeon encounters since the ability was always frankly terrible at stacked cleave.

You keep saying 9.0.5 addressed nothing yet shadows damage has only risen in all areas through Shadowflame prism. I’m frustrated that bliz aren’t solving issues baseline, but I also can’t really ignore the results people are getting by using the new tools provided in 9.0.5.

blizzard should just rework all the legendry’s for shadow and bring back a baseline for shadow aoe

its sad there’s only 1 good legendary in this whole expack for shadow the rests are just execute your self legendry’s.

would make shadow viable again maybe or suck less.

Cascade was such a pretty spell, I wish they’d bring it back in any form.

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Would make it fun to compete with convoke druids or flamestrike mages again

Still surprised they removed that but they added a completely broken spell for druids called convoke.

If you think cascade would help with that I have no idea what to say.

Cascade would do nothing for shadow in dungeons. Nothing.

more than an execute your self you die in 3 sec shadow prism legendary.


at it again eh?

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