Bring back the MoP CM gear :)

Good evening everyone. Like some other players i do enjoy and play the game since 2009. Besides the good and bad features of the game over the years i still enjoy it and play for fun. My main concern and i would like to discuss is the topic of Transmogs and more specific the Old MoP CM gear which is unobtainable and thats the correct way cause it was something unique back then. My main though is for a way to be able to bring it back. Cause i only had the CM gear in 3 classes and from these 3 i only play 1…so the other 2 CM gear gone to waste…i would like to recommend a way of deleting-swapping the CM gear of the class that you have it and dont play anymore with another class that you enjoy and playing via a token or a token+gold. If you have it on 1 char …then unfortunately you can only swap it for example per 1 char …if you have it in 3 …you could swap it on 3 chars etc etc…I assume fellow players have the same problem with the CM gear also…let me know how you find this idea. Thanks again!

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I say no

To bad for new people. What deal that evey one need every thing.

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Well new people wont get the CM gear cause they havent completed it back then and its not unfair… I mean for a flexible way for people that already got the CM gear in some chars that dont play anymore to be able to get some in other chars that they do play at the moment!

I wouldn’t mind them bringing it to the black money auction house as a whole set for a specific class.

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I can agree to a certain degree about the possibility of swapping the one you already have by doing maybe a one-time only trade.

I really regret not having the Legion druid forms, but i have both MoP, WoD and Legion mogs on my main and as sorry as i am for new players, having them obtainable in the game would vanify the effort and grind i put into getting them back then.

New challenges? Sure why not.

Thats what i was thinking …for people that already have some CM gears but they dont play for example with these chars…to be able to swap them completely somehow or with a cost for other CM gear for their chars that play and enjoy!. That would be really good

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