Bruh... I'm telling you now, you better hide

From Rets, once 9.1 rolls round.

The changes they are getting, bruh…

[Not me though, I’m undergeared]

I do love me some polystyrene cannon.

Mr. holinka love to play ret.

Imo, they won’t even be the number 1 offender. Maybe I’m wrong on this. I guess we just need to wait and see.

I don’t see it being a big issue either

Rets really aren’t the biggest offenders at the moment for geared characters. They’re good at one shotting gearless alts, but that’s about it. (I don’t play ret, only holy. Never played ret).

I still wake up showered in sweat and gasping for breath when I dream of the horror that BfA destro was (especially for an undergeared hpala playing vs them).

They won’t be in 9.1 either, I’m more concerned about destro lock with the CB buff. It smells like BfA season 4 where you’ll be scared to gently peek out from around the corner under the fear of eating a 25k CB or something.

Guess we’ll see.

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well that or Venthyr warriors. I swear, people sleep on the most OP class in PvP atm (in terms of ladder rankings for both 2’s AND 3’s, they are #1).

Just because you didn’t take one hit of 15k when one guy is in his burst, but 2 for 8k sustained damage, doesn’t mean that they aren’t overpowered af.

??? all I c its a total 5% nerf and 60% havoc cleave, but no 100000% haste like in bfa s4

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? 10% CB increased dmg.

the +40% CB pvp talent is gone if u didn’t notice

Relative to now, the kyrian leg + Lawbringer is gonna net you 1600 dps on its own. That’s quite strong if you ask me.

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10% Lawbringer is a mistake.


You aren’t paying enough attention to lawbringer…

rets are the class people try to brush under the rug that it doesn’t exist, though it mutually shares problems with most bursty classes currently.

Think it was reverted? Everywhere on notes it shows 5% now.
And good, 10% lawbringer would have been stupid.

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