I would like a working AH, some PvP and a healthy dungeon/raid scene.
If I have to take a 2 h queue for that, I’ll just cancel.
This is absolutely screwed up. There is literally no Eng PVP balanced non Megaserver for us to transfer to, even if we had the transfers, which we don’t.
Well i play on firemaw alliance and i havent even had a single min of que the past 2 weeks. everyone speaks of mega servers here and there but hey firemaw was locked a few weeks ago i got my main on shazzrah (created and transfered from firemaw to shazzrah) biggest misstake of my life so like 1-2 months ago i started fresh on firemaw again and sheesh what a releaf lots of ppl find things to do a healthy ah and alwyas ppl to speak/do something with. im just sad cant even pay to transfer my priest back på firemaw my hole guild when there 8 months ago but i waited and thath was a bad decision from me now im stuck on a dead relm no way out cant transfer since al my friends are on firemaw so i just had 1 choice start fresh and i did. sry for a long post but dont hate on mega servers most of them atleast firemaw is rly rly good
There is no hate for mega-servers from me either, but they should be balanced if they are PvP otherwise just make them PvE. The balance levels should have been maintained better by Blizzard and perhaps now they realize that.
The big issues are do they even care and what are they going to do to help the player base who are stuck on Ashbringer?
As I said even if we got free transfers now, where do we go that is ENG speaking and balanced. There isn’t anywhere.
Someone dropped the ball here, and it is not the players.
Patchwerk realm is dead even on horde side… Isle progress completely shut down, no dungeon grps whatsoever. This wont cange with Wotlk, plx have mercy.
Yes, AFAIK it is very similar with the german PVP realms.
And they won´t be able to resolve this with merges.
And the RP - Realms are no win scenarios, too.
Zandalar Tribe?
Not everyone on a RP-Realm is roleplayer.
If only a small portion of PVP player come back and find themselves stuck on an RP-PVE realm… uuughhh
But a mostly Roleplayer might not be happy to be stuck on an high PVP realm, too.
And for Celebras
Either they move everyone to a PVE realm (and not everyone is happy on a PVE realm, due to character names), or Hydraxian Waterlords - and there is the problem with the language barrier.
I am really curious, where they will send everyone. And i wouldn´t be surprised, if this is causing them headaches before the merge. ;o
Edit: Hey forum, it would be nice if you wouldn´t delete half of my post
Hello Blizz,
You have killed Celebras even though we had an active community and the players who played there were happy with the way it was.
You offered us to unite the RP community on Hydraxian Waterlords but only after you had depopulated it by the announcement that it would close, too and almost everyone had gone, already. Now the player base and activity is much smaller than the one on Celebras was. And you are still preventing any repopulation attempts by withholding the free transfere from PVE and PVP Servers. There is still free transfere availlable AWAY from the server, which only encourages bots.
Please fix this and at least give us a chance to play there like we played on Celebras.
Please give us Dungeon Finder like it was before, maybe let us wait until Ulduar.
But please let it like it was, it help so much casual player to catch up gear or even just to farm some emblem for Heirloom gears.
Based upon what Malou, a 6-week-old post? Ashbringer has never appeared on any list and we don’t have transfers off the server. Razorgore now has transfers confirmed and they were the only other realm.
I have been asking for 4 weeks for an answer, but nothing, no response at all. So with all the evidence we have, until a blue post tells me otherwise, I personally think that the dead accounts will go to Ashbringer. Otherwise, why would you not give people on that server transfers?
You say it is very unlikely, I don’t think given the evidence we have that you can say that. with any conviction based on a 6-week old post.
So with that in mind, Blizzard, what on earth are you doing with Ashbringer? Or are we still just being left to rot? You have not handled this at all well, at least give Ashbringer an answer so we can plan accordingly, which btw, we cannot as all of your EN PVP realms are unbalanced or full.
Any answer is appreciated at this stage, rather than your continued complete silence.
For Celebrasians that would mean ending up on a realm that is neither German nor RP, for Zandalar Tribists, a realm, that is neither RP nor PVP. For Hydroxian Waterlords it will mean, that it will stay empty even though it was promoted as the go-to realm for the region. The worst of all three worlds, so you are probably right.