Bye bye until wrath

Im not gonna resub until wrat. but only if the bots are gone. So long Blizz

been here since 2004, but am not a bot guy, so f you, blizz.

may be banned bc the f, but that says more of them than me


you’ll be back tomorrow


we’ll got 10 days left, but i did unsub

WoLK was the tipping point from good to worse.

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going full power mass effect and yt, bro

So… Never, then?


Tbc is end destination of classic, wotlk isnt retail but no classic.

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Noopp, now i will have nightmares, i hate clowns :pleading_face:

RIP the great Captain Spaulding

welke realm zit ik dan

Can I have your items?

What makes you think Wrath would be any better? If anything, by then population will be even lower and Blizzard “solutions” (or lack of them) will have done what it has to this point and even more.

Im sad to say, but the baseline content in the triologi isnt why the state of the game (and players) is the way it is.

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Wrath has 1 thing that all others expansions don’t have! Can you guess what is it?

Stupidly easy entry level content with heroic dungeons that aren’t worth calling “heroic”?

Wrong! Replay value!

The worst raid lineup in any expansion?

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Can’t please everyone.

Nothing to do outside of raids? And raids thats easier than washing your clothes?