CAMPAING QUEST You Light Up My Light

You must go up n down to re charge your Cosmic Energy and load it into Pocopoc.

This is timegate quest, total ballshat.

Everyone are not like A-s-m-o-n-g-o-l-d and wants to hop mountainous areas, and oopsie you dropped off, go to the beginning again.

I tought the world quest time gate quest was bad : 7
To complete this quest you must grind like 20 wq.


I only gonna play main, not worthy playing alts anymore.

This was hard as tank, i can only see the pain if you try to be a spellcaster.

No you don’t you can do it in the different sublevels aswell…

Yes, a timegate off a full 5 minutes.

You can skip all the previous ones and go straight too where you fell…


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