Can we be merged with darkmoon and earthen ring already

Let’s be honest moon’tar cartel are three quiet servers. Everytime i log into my character in The great Seal , i see tons of darkmoon faire and earthen ring players everywhere.

Yeah i know it’s sharding but why not just merge all 5 servers so we a bigger raiding pop. More people to post and buy stuff of ah. More RP opportunities !

What do you guys think , i mean i used to be a server loyalist but at this point with cross realm and sharding , why can’t it just be sha’moonfaire cartelring

Your thoughts on this , i mean even the dedicated RP chat channel is dead on Sha’tar now =(


My Trade was filled with Defias Brotherhood people, and the occasional Argent Dawn off-shoot. I was, like, you can’t invite us to your guild, you’ve been sharded to the wrong server. And then I realized I was the odd one.

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I would absolutely love for a merge to happen. While I personally can’t complain about the lack of RP, the overall state of walk-up/spontaneous/non-guild-based RP on the realm is… not in a good place. I feel an influx of new RP guilds would be very healthy to the general condition of our realm cluster.


This should’ve happened ages ago. The lack of activity on both clusters just means that most new RPers turns to Argent Dawn instead, a server that has been “Full” for the past three years. I believe a merge with ER/DF and a good old free transfer from AD to our realms would be healthy for everyone.
Just leave the old RP-PvP realms out of this. They’re already at High population, which (at least in theory) is the ideal activity imo.


They should have been merged from the start. It’s shameful now that it hasn’t happened yet.

They promised new server merges at Blizzcon 2017, two years ago. No servers need it more than RP servers.


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