Can You change characters to participate in pvp?

Im running around Burning Steppes and hunter attacked me. Well i killed him. Within few seconds, another attacked me and i killed him as well.

I notified other hordie, that there are hunter attacking and he told me, that he knows, its just one player and its his friend. He also told me, he has 5 hunters. Couldnt answer my question, if he lvled 5 hunters (?!)

Question is different. Is it allowed to fight with one character and after dead, relog to other and continue fighting same enemy?
I hope/think its not.

So far it was Fruto and Servak on Judgement server (i think he is rus)

Why would it not be allowed to log off and switch characters?


Of course it is.

He isn’t allowed to log on all of them at the same time and use any form of software to mimic his commands across tabs, but he can control as many as he wants if he does it individually.

Sounds like someone trying to protect their RMT interests.

Takes you 20 seconds to log out then loading screen on his other character not like he can instantly log on another acc to beat you

well not instantly. but definitelly not more than 20 sec

You can have more than one Warcraft account you know.

You can have more than one account but you shouldnt use more than one character in pvp

No, that isn’t part of the game rules.

That’s not what he said either. Reading is hard though.

It’s actually exactly what he said, it just wasn’t what he implied.

I don’t care much for implications.

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No, “should” does not necessary mean something is not allowed.

In this context, there’s nothing stopping you from doing the thing that the OP said you shouldn’t do.

Ergo; that is exactly what he said, but not what he implied. He implied that you “shouldn’t” because it isn’t fair. This game isn’t “fair”, plain and simple. Fair doesn’t dictate what a player should or shouldn’t do, one’s own conscience does that.

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Just like most things you shouldn’t do in life.

No, it’s how you choose to interpret what he said. For all we know, he could intentionally have used wording that could be interpreted in two different ways.

In many cases it’s the community that dictates what you should or shouldn’t do, not your own conscience. Like “ninjalooting”. There is nothing wrong with it, but many players would say you shouldn’t do it. Just like many people think multiboxers shouldn’t engage in pvp.

Some people think it’s ok to just open trade, then tell a random mage in a city to give them water. I would say they shouldn’t do that. That will cause me to refuse to give them water. Nothing to do with conscience, nothing to do with rules.

Other people think it’s fine to post the same trade/lfg advertisement in several channels several times per minute. Again, many players would say you shouldn’t do that. Nothing to do with neither rules or conscience.

Depends, we have laws and warnings for most things.

Yes, and I chose to interpret it as them not understanding the game rules. It’s pretty obvious that they meant they doesn’t want somebody to do something because they don’t think it’s fair.

It’s still down to your conscience. You can ninja loot if you want (Well actually, some forms of ninja looting are against the game rules. Whether Blizzard will uphold those rules not is a different question).

If you want to take a item at the cost of upsetting some people and having them not want to group with you in the future, that’s down to you. If you don’t want to upset people, then you shouldn’t ninja loot. If you do want to upset people, then you should. Such is the way of perception.

Your mage and spam examples are the same, there’s no clear “should” or “shouldn’t”, it’s personal perspective and it all depends on the result that you want. If you want to annoy mages, open trade windows with them and demand their services. If you want to annoy the life out of chat channels (and risk getting an in-game mute), spam as much as you want.

None of those however, apply to the OP’s scenario. There is absolutely nothing stopping somebody from having 5 hunters and swapping between them in open world combat. There is absolutely nothing saying that they shouldn’t.

Upset a couple of players? Yeah, if you’re going to have that many hunters, it’s likely that your entire goal was to upset players in the first place.

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Considering that he started this thread by asking if it was allowed, just to get told by several people that it is in fact allowed, I would consider it an unreasonable interpretation.

From my experince, multiboxing (especially small scale like 5x) in pvp does increase the risk of getting camped by groups of people/people bringing in friends. So there are certainly are risks related to it, just like there is for being rude in other ways.

In this case it’s more likely that the goal is to control the black lotus spawns, and possibly use that control for RMT.

They can but that’s not what most people use second accounts for they will normally use them for QoL such as having one account active in a major city for AH use and another character out farming or have 2 characters out farming in different zones in the world to combat downtime.

You know that old saying “never underestimate the other mans sweat”

The guy with 5 hunters is no doubt a gold seller though tracking lotus throughout the zone with his hunters placed around the zone strategically so he’s always in close enough range to Lotus points he isn’t on top of. He could be a normal player but 5 accounts seems overkill but as I said never underestimate how sweaty some players are.

simple answer; dude used to multibox, and likely have more than 1 account.
1 that he plays on, 1-4 more to ensure a gank should his ‘main’ be killed.
sounds like you killed his main and his alts were nearby in a separate tab that he switched to after dying.

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