Can you finally tune ret and buff underperforming classes

That’s a bug though. It should go through BoP, and also through Cloak, AMS, etc.

Combination of damage types (here Holy and Physical) normally always choose the path of least resistance, so if you immune to magic you still take full damage from the physical part, of you are immune to physical you still take full damage from the magic part, etc etc.

If they fix this you’ll go throigh BoP just like before. But now you will ALSO go through AMS.

I think it is intentional : the talent “blades of light” converts CS and judgment to holystrike. With CS it is obvious > was physical, went magical.
But judgment was already a magic, scaling from mastery. But it is in the list and can’t go through bop.
They wouldn’t work overtime on something they don’t want to be changed, i guess.
But it is blizzard, so… i mb wrong and you mb right.

Boomie is very strong in PvP and SP is solid B tier. Both are good in the right hands.

But I agree that enhancement and fury need changing. Especially enhancement, the spec was more fun in TBC Classic than in retail.

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