Cant create new topics or reply besides support forums and general server forums

Hello guys,

I encountered weird bug after expiration of my subscription. Till this moment everything was fine but then I saw a message about need of a game time to post on forums, I purchased my game time and message disappeared but weird things happened.

For example, when I want to create new topic and try to choose category, I see only server lists and support forums. Not classes, PVP, recruitment, community tab etc. I cant also write any post in any topic, there is no “Reply” button. I cant even reply in topics I created myself some time ago… When I go to specific section like classes > hunter, clicking on creating new topic is not working either. Ofc I tried to relog but it didn’t worked.

Can somebody help me?:slight_smile:


But you can help yourself.

  1. Make sure you have valid and active game time, or a subscription.
  2. Log right out of the forums, and then log back in.

If 2. doesn’t work…

  1. Log right out of the forums, and clear your browser cache and cookies. Then log back in.

If 3. doesn’r work.

  1. Reset your password to force an account resync. Then log out and back in again.

If 4. doesn’t work, then it seems the system things you don’t actually have a valid subscription or gametime, so triple check on that. If still no, then you will need to make out a GM ticket to have it investigated.

Clearing browser cache and cookies worked! Thank you! :slight_smile: