Cant see players or death portal

So I’ve loaded up and started playing Shadowlands. When doing the “Shadowlands: A chilling summons” quest, I cant see the death portal when its summoned and cant travel through it. I also cannot see any other player in game. I’ve tried lots of things to fix it but cannot find a fix. I’ve even tried doing it on someone else’s PC who didnt have the issue so I think it’s an issue with my account

if you find a solution can u let me know, been having this issue since launch (00:01) when the npc showed up and giving me the quest. i see him cast the portal and enter it him self. neither do i see players near Grommash hold.

Hello Eligeth,

This would happen if you progressed on the War Campaign up to point where Orgrimmar is under siege but didn’t complete it.

You should be able to resolve it by wrapping up the campaign from that point first.

I am having the same problem but I haven’t done any of the BfA quests on this character yet so OG is not under siege but still can’t finish the SL Quest.

On other characters where I never touched BfA with I don’t have problems at all.

Posted on wrong character.

I’m pretty sure I haven’t started any war campaign. I could see everyone else pre expansion release

I fixed it for me!

I was stuck in phasing eventhough I abandoned the quest. I had activated the Chromie timeline for Legion once but then went MoP instead and that was the problem. I was still stuck in the Legion Phase in OG - noticed it because Grommash was clsoed with Saurfang standing in front of it. Switched back to Legion timeline and did the rest of the Quest and now its working perfectly for me.

Can we get answers as to why people can not log on please

I CANT GO THROW THE PORTAL IN SL QUEST . AND I THINK ITS system bug. can you check it ?!

i cant load any old patch pls help