Chaos Bolt buff!

Am I wrong or has Chaos Bolt been buffed? It went from 4.8k (live) to 5.3k in ptr.

I think we are on the right way, plus we have two new pvp talents. One of which deals substantial damage.

They removed the Dividendfocused chaos talent and increased the dmg by that amount or am I wrong?

I like the new talent, itā€™s like binding shot.

In PvE it would be a welcome buff. If Affly gets nerfed at this point I think many will switch to Destro.

In PvP, they have removed Focused Chaos, but now our CB can split.

I also like the new talent because it would allow you to cast CB while your enemies are bound to stay in the circle, otherwise they take 7k of shared damage. Not bad.

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PVE a buff, PVP a nerf.

This is true:

The issue is Destro role isnā€™t a cleave spec, thatā€™s what Aff does, itā€™s a set up and 1 shot wombo combo spec. Losing single target nuke is huge for the specs role.

The new talent is fun though. Gulā€™Dan RP.



  • Dark Pactā€™s (Talent) additional absorb shield has been increased by 216%.
  • Destruction
    • Chaos Bolt damage increased by 10%.


  • New PvP Talent: Shadow Rift.


  • New PvP Talent: Bonds of Fel.
  • Chaos Bolt now deals 40% more damage in PvP combat (was 15%).
  • Focused Chaos (PvP Talent) has been removed.

Small nerf to CB in pvp but you can Havoc it now i guess

Iā€™d say its more buff than nerf, now we have 1 free pvp talent slot and CB cleave


Warlocks are dead everyone else as usual gets shiny new toys and we get another useless pvp talent Bonds of fel yet another 50% slow which we already have and if they leave it does 7k dmg which when 9.1 hits ppl will have 60k plus health so 7k is rubbish! not to mention our biggest problem right now is we have no survivability and really bad mobility in a game right now with insane one shot melle burst where they dont even cast wheras we hard cast all spells. we have like 15 spells wheras mages have like 30 with a dozen passives we have one major defensive Unending resolve wheras things like shadow priest and mage have like 3 to 4 defensives mixed with insane mobility
im gonna play my shadow priest or ww monk after 16 years of lock i am done!


Thatā€™s it, all we asked for is survivability not dmg.

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i rerolled a hunter, its also no S tier but at leats its more fun to play and they got buffed already a few times

fun fact, hunter forums is kinda similar to warlock forums in complaints :smiley:

Depends on what aspect youā€™re focused on.
RBGs? Probably a buff, it will help with damage padding and a nice way to cleave onto two healers.
Arenas? a big nerf.

I love havoc, so I donā€™t hate the change, but the identity of Destro is that 1 shot CB spam.

Maybe you can do some quirky stuff with the new talents though.

Port them away, snare them, if they break it itā€™ll do AOE damage to everyone that ported with them. Quirky, but interesting.

where do u see a big nerf? like really where? they removed +40% pvp talent, but added +10% flat baseline, and +25% in pvp scenarios. Itā€™s nerfed slightly but in exchange u can cleave and choose 1 new pvp talent (casting circle for exmpl).

Because destros role is large CBā€™s into one target to overwhelm them and kill them.
If it wasnā€™t a big nerf then may I ask why the removed talent is currently meta for every Destro that remains?
If this wasnā€™t a nerf, if cleaving CBā€™s was something Destro cared for in PVP weā€™d see it more in RBGā€™s.

A nerf to ST burst damage for a ST burst spec is the difference between securing kills and failing to close out the game.

Havoc is also another GCD. Having to spend another GCD prior to bursting in PVP sucks.

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The problem is, we have a lot of talents, a lot of mandatory talentsā€¦ I thought they change this, but just add more to the table.

TEsted CB on live and ptrā€¦pvp on
live: 12-13k
ptr: 8.5-9.5k



They need to increase the overall dmg of all other spells, warlock should not be a one dmg spell class. CB should hit only hard with Decimating bolt, and increase the dmg bonus to 300%. So this will result in a one eine big chaos bolt possibility for necro. But orne covenants deal more dmg with chaos bolt.

The damage removed from the PVP talent has had baseline damage and passive pvp damage increased to mostly account for it. It should be approximately a 4.4% damage decrease single target for CB in pvp. Worked this out with my friend last night who is doing Postgrad in Mathematics (so hopefully he got this one right!). This is whilst giving an extra PVP talent and allowing us to CB two targets at once. Sounds very nice to me!

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Trying to change to main Chug-Ragnaros before I get yelled at for displaying a level 41 pala - I donā€™t post often :ā€™)

Has anyone tested this?

I am seeing way more less damage than the calculated 5% in the PTR?


i like thisā€¦ i will enjoy playing bane of havoc + new pvp talent and CB burst down a whole group of people in rbg lmao, this will be fun