Characters that are gone

So I’m a 90s kid and back then I played WC2 it was my first Warcraft game, keep in mind I haven’t played WC3 afterwards because I switched to Pc. I haven’t played WoW until 4 months ago at all, but as I started playing I was catching up with the story over the years and watched a lot of cinematics, one thing that caught my attention is that over the years for some reason they killed a lot of important and high profile horde characters, especially orcs while alliance characters are pretty much here going strong all the way from WC2 - 3…And ok recently we had Varian, but I’m not counting Arthas he just went nuts and wasn’t alliance anymore… I’m not being biased I’m playing alliance side but I don’t like what they did to the horde, basically they lost a lot of great characters

It’s true. The whole old cast of the Horde 8s dead. Twice. Blizzard screwed up hard majorly.

Most of the rulers from WC2 are dead:

  • Stormwind: Varian (dead)
  • Lordaeron: Terenas (dead)
  • Stromgarde: Thoras (undead, a fate worse than death)
  • Alterac: Perenolde (dead)
  • Dalaran: Antoindas (dead)
  • Kul Tiras: Daelin (dead)
  • Gilneas: Greymane (alive, but cursed)
  • Quel’thalas: Anasterian (dead)
  • Ironforge: Magni (alive, but neutral and changed forever)
  • Gnomeregan: Mekkatorque (alive)

So that leaves only 2 of the original leaders affiliated with the Alliance, with Magni being alive but neutral and thus not relevant.

Also many of these kingdoms are ruined now:

  • Lordaeron: ruined and plagued
  • Alterac: ruined
  • Gilneas: ruined and plagued
  • Gnomeregan: ruined and toxic
  • Theramore: ruined

Not quite. Going just by characters horde is still dead x 2. Meanwhile the Alliance still has.

Falstad, Genn, Gelbin, Moira, Muradin.

Sons of Lothar:

Alleria, Turalyon, Kurdran, Danath, Khadgar.

Widen the list to Wc3 and it gets worse. Pretty much everyone that isn’t Thrall is dead.

Nazgrel, Baine, Gazlowe, Drek’thar, Rexxar, Samuro, Rokhan… and only for those who first appear in WC3.

yeah i didnt mean if we still got characters back from wc2 or 3 alive,i said that over the years they just removed soo many of them…Like can you imagine Gul’Dan,Ner’Zhul,Blackhand,Grommash,Doomhammer,Durotar,Saurfang,Garrosh,Vol’jin all still alive and well i mean MAN it would be interesting hahahah but probably alot of bad stuff would happen :smiley:

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Jaina, Tyrande, Maiev, Malfurion, and the list goes on. I know which one is more in shambles.

The list does not go on because that’s pretty much it, as few members of the modern Alliance appeared in WC3. Maybe you forgot Shandris but that’s about it.

Has never showed up again.

A disgrace to his faction.

Not a leader. Just a trade merchant and engineer. Two different Goblins are the true racial leaders.

Discount Vol’jin. Easily replaceable.

Who? Wasn’t that this guy still MIA in Outland?

Soon dead.

Sorry, they are still alive and Horde-affiliated :smiley:

Gazlowe wasn’t horde until bfa. But neutral. Try again.

But he is currently Horde, sorry :confused:

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