Charakter Names

Just a quick Question is it possible to get in contact with a player who
has a Name on a low level Character to ask him to get the Name :smiley: ?

You can send them an in-game mail.

The Charakter is not played so how will i find out who this char belongs :smiley:

If it’s not played, that’s gonna be a tough thing. Names usually get freed up in ~2 expansions if not played, so… send a mail once or twice a month? If he logs in, he’ll see. If not, the name will be free’d in a few years.

Or perhaps if you mention the name, you may be able to find them on the forums too, but… chances are sadly low.

i know i thought maybe a blue dude could make the contact :smiley:


Names are only freed up after two expansions, if the entire account goes dormant for those two expansions. If the account holder is still playing, just on another character, then the names will never be freed up.

and thats why i ask here maybe a blizzard dude will see it

You could otherwise post it on the realm forums or broadcast it on the realm chat.
But Blizzard will not privately contact the owner for you.

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thats sad i dont think i can reach the owner anyhow

i hope its not me, i got characters on Antonidas i dont play anymore. :laughing:

but yeah, like others mentioned, blues dont contact other people. thats exactly what the 2 expansion timer is for, so they dont have to individually ask people.

It is the Name Fuyumi a lvl 11 Mage ^^