Cheat ganking

so the last 2 days i have been ganked by a hode called Notsanlow on gehennas eu he always know where i am first he appeared in feralas and now in felwood. so im thinking that he has an addon to know where i am.
what should i do?


You should consider rerolling or transfering to a PvE server.


My bet is he has an alliance char on another account and is using that to detect where you are, then boom. Not cheating. more unfair. Report the char when it pops up - blizz will find out.

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By posting this thread and naming him you’ve essentially ensured he keeps doing this to you for even longer if he reads this.


You should post about it on the forums so he reads it and laughs at you.


You’re a level 60 mage and you can’t beat him? So why are you on a PvP realm?

Ty for his name,now i will gank him

and do what exactly?

reroll on pve server OP.

Sounds like a cool guy.


Haha, his “addon” found you m8!

Blizzard did indeed step in in cases of targetted harassment back in the golden age of WoW, but I very highly doubt they will do anything other than a copypasted response in their current state.

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