Class Tuning Underway -- 3 February

No reason to bring a mw in any content.

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rofl you guys still don’t know where is the error

Really? 5%?

If you did NOT buff certain other specs, that would have moved us up from 20th to 15th place on the current DPS charts, but still 10-12% behind Balance Druids.

Nowhere near enough!!!

Cool they abusing copyright to now.

It seems they just runing this 5class Hpal Retpal ww firemage priest.
Every other class is secoundary.

3% who is it who thinks 3/5% is gonna fix anything…esp survival hunter :smile:

Put a single stun and wreck him. Also Aoe stuns like WW monk are quite ez to counter it. Or idk leap far side then charge in back. Be creative.

I dont get it why they buff Arms if all say its good in pvp.
Fury buff probably good, but i have more problems usually get rampage proc than damage. I am only 189 ilevel and i aggro sometimes mobs from tank.

In PvE, they’re currently #21 of 24 on the DPS charts. They may be good in PvP, but not in PvE. Check wowhead.

Can we get a rework for ret please ? Or add other spells who was remove? There is so many downtime in the gameplay.

Arms is underperforming in pve genius


well imo havocs biggest problem is that their only dps cd is 4 minutes .

change demon form to 2 minutes cd and you will fix a lot of problems as it will line up with covenant cds.

other problem is nerf to dodge or whatever it was after chaos blades. havoc is super squishy right now because of it in pve. annoying

here you go class fixed

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But Arms has always been pvp spec not pve, like frost mage too.
It doesnot matter how bad they are in pve.

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Rarely do i see so much bullcrap in the same comment. Hate rogues for their CC, but saying they need LESS survival is absolutely braindead, thats the literal definition of barking up the wrong tree.

Also WW st dmg buffs? You must be joking. Windwalkers should get nerfed, not buffed.


No rogue is doing 25k dps in m+, sorry to break your bubble.

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Are you guys kidding me!!! warriors get a buff??? what about healers. Mistweavers are suffering so much in pvp… Does anyone know what they are doing over there? Does any of the employees play wow bcoz stuff are so unbalanced… looks like they decide who gets buffed without knowing who really needs it… it is so bad that in AWC some teams do not even need healers they use tanks as healers!!.. how DISGUSTING!!!

Same goes for havoc, Our main issue is our garbage ST damage and they are putting in zero effort to these buffs giving flat % to everything like last time…

Its like demonology does not exist…

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These are pve focused buffs. Both warrior specs are hot garbage. But i agree MW is bad in both pve and pvp not sure why it’s not being adressed

like seriously, wtf 3% dmg buff is all we DH get? we are bottom , i was 2.2 in BFA now i struggle at 1.6 rating