While i appreciate the buff but 5% Destro buff won’t do anything AT ALL! the spec is at least 30% behind affliction!
If you wanna do something that will truly benefit Destro locks ESPECIALLY in M+ here it is:
Reduce the CD of infernal (2 min CD)
Cataclysm baseline and CD reduced to 20 seconds to make it more in tune with CDF and immolate duration. (this will also make it possible to talent in F&B)
Buff incinerate by 30%
Even with these changes we won’t be close to other classes in aoe like (Mages doing 52k dps on a pull, hunters doing 35k dps, druids doing 30k dps, rogues doing 25k dps) but at least we’ll be a bit more viable.
Wonderful, OP classes get buffed, really broken stuff remains as is! Just wonderful!
How about fixing Retri palas ? How about Divine Toll fix and those procs on Conduits? I without a joke am being globaled… Judgment for 10,5k 3time procing + a Verdics for 15k… Really???
I Saw them popping wings and i saw them bubbling - Instantly vanish and I still die… This has to stop!!!
I’m sorry, you buff overperforming specs like arms, you buff underperforming like beast masters, BUT where is demonology? Have you just given up on it? If so, just admit that you have no idea what to do with the spec and to people who want to do pvp just respec.
Said the paladin… soo cool that 3 specs out of 3 specs are all off the charts and Pala defending that it`s cool… look the rogue vanished… does not matter he still died…
arcane mages are desperatly needs damage buffs as well at least from 6-10% and i am not even over trhowing this number. the spec is always bellow of the dps list.
You sound mad.
I have a tip for you learn to fight paladins if they are really bad for you that will make you able to combat what the paladin does.
You sure it was not Blinding Light that hit you?
Regardless you had cooldowns that would have saved you just because you are not willing to use them and think vanish should be enough for a guaranteed kill, you lost and you deserved to lose from what you have said the paladin did and what you did.
In mythic from top to bottom there is a whole 22.44% difference between the Top dps spec and the Bottom one.
In heroic it is 21.74% difference between the top dps spec and the bottom one.
Are you calculating this using Max?
Because i am getting 14.34% from Aff to Demo on mythic.
And 19.07% on heroic to Destro from Aff the top dps spec on heroic.
Seems to me that AWC and MDI is driving a lot of these hotfixes. Maybe they should just hire a council of top level players and get their advice, so we won’t have to wait for PvE/PvP tournaments to showcase obvious problems, before something gets looked at. Ion is just doing raids on his resto shaman. He doesn’t play PvP and barely dabbles in M+. Then again, there is a whole team behind these things. It’s not just 1 guy (I hope…).
Beta is more of an advertisement through twitch streamers and youtubers nowadays. It says a lot that they are among the first ones to get alpha access to new expansions, while a lot of CE raiders didn’t even get a beta at all.