Conflict and Strife essence


Looks like we finally get Concentrated Coolness and Clearcasting stacking in PvE.

15% damage increase for Fire on Patchwerk fights with Flamecannon.

Anyone know how these compare to the other essences?

They would probably be the ones I’d pick if I had to sit down and choose.
Greater pyro would be dps gain but would make the spec soooo dull.
Frostbite could have been a big dps increase for regular shatters and great for mass kiting.
Flamecannon works well with rune of power and shimmer.
Clearcast stacking brings another dimension to arcane that we haven’t seen since legion.
Concentrated coolness increases frosts already good aoein numbers and for getting the best out of your orb without running into melee.

Only problem is that they may not may not measure up to the generic traits so you have choose between the dps numbers or the fun way.

Yeah, that’s the main concern. The mechanical changes for Frost and Arcane are fantastic. However, the damage they bring is rather minor: 10% buff to one ability for Frost, up to 15% extra damage on AM (if you ever manage to get 3 stacks) for Arcane. I doubt either of those will be able to compete with the other essences, especially Vision of Perfection.

On the other hand, this will probably be the go to essence for Fire, having an up to 15% damage and HP buff, along with an up to 55 yd attack range may be too good to pass up. Although, it would be rendered useless on high movement encounters and would probably have some issues on the Volcanic affix.

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