Corrupted items replacing TF

so even more diablo now. good.

Figures :stuck_out_tongue: You can make Bingo game from these forums :smiley:

It’s true most people here overreacts, but between those cries you can find valuable feedback. My only concern is that power spike coming from some of those bonuses:

  • either nerf them
  • or make it possible to “extract” bonuses and put them into other items - that would make low key content alive, since there’s no legendary, low keys have small participation

Indeed. Now imagine the dds all standing in the corrupted stuff that they spawn. Can’t wait to see people here asking for lfr to be nerfed because they keep wiping. :rofl:

So true, I stopped playing SP, because my character was a transparent purple shadow.

its still RNG slapped on top of RNG coated with RNG mixed in with more RNG… so no, not liking it

Wait, so they want to replace the terrible titanforging system with basically the same thing, only now instead of an ilevel boost at least making the item useful, you are instead fishing for not only a forge but also it to be the right bonus effect for your class? oh look I just got by BIS piece and it titanforged, oh, mastery again. Destroy.

What a load of rubbish. Seriously blizzard people want you to remove the RNG aspect, not increase it.

The problem is that the things like this are added to the game as an artificial grind for the players to continue playing the game, and not an actual fun and enjoyable content itself. It feels almost like the WoW is turning into an asian type grind game.

If you have to farm for weeks to reduce/eliminate corruption effects to make an item usable then this will make it even more worse. Even from a psychological point of view, if you try to make something better you get a positive feeling, trying to negate the bad it gives a negative feeling.
No wonder that many systems in BfA feel so bad and anti-fun and borderline trolling. If this system makes it to the game together with the broken - for most classes- design will be the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.
On second thought though, we should have seen it coming, I can’t be the only one that noticed the weird smirk on the game director’s face on the video when he said that they are thinking of changing titanforging.

This corruption forged or what’s its name looks worse than Titanforge.
Should’ve just kept Titanforge and remove it on 9.0 release.



Ehm… No.

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I mean the Titanforge never bothered me but so many people are against it they could remove it next expansion and be praised for it.
Now adding this is not a solution, at all.

Agreed. Seems to be making it worse even.

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Just to note to everyone here, it’s still in very early stages, the very first look upon which Blizz can build and work around to find a solution that fits. Still a lot of time for it to change, so you can’t really make a judgement yet.

“Don’t worry guys, it’s still beta everything will be fixed on live” , i can’t count the times ive read this on these forums over the years. In most cases, nothing really changes and they go ahead with the feature no matter how broken it might be. You know kind like azerite armor especially in the early patches.


But it shows in which direction they want to go. And that they didn’t put too much thought into it:how can you balance classes with a system that’s based on randomness?

And especially with such things that are just a bonus you either don’t start with such high numbers, or atleast state how exactly the system works.
TF for example started the right way: the 6ilvl weren’t a huge power gap. They could see this way how people react to it without it having a too big influence on balancing (and then they f*cked up 1 1/2 expansions later with TF).

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Also if you want to give feedback on the system, you might want to use the link Brewny gave.

well duh - it will be replaced by shadowlandforging in 9.0 :slight_smile: which will bring even more rng into game :joy:

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Shadowforging - each item has chance to get random upgrade on random stat with random value with random negative curse on random tier on random player within random radius.

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