[Cross faction RP] Prodigal Son

Hello, this is Ethan Redwood from the Botany Band, the guild you may know from recent events like Mumbo Gumbo or A Fungus Among Us. Those that know me, know that I have a bit of a personal plot that in any other setting would be rather unorthodox.

What’s it about? Well, when the Alliance and Horde left Draenor at the end of Warlords of Draenor and all the portals were closed, Ethan was left behind. When the Horde champions returned not long after to retrieve the mag’har, over 30 years have passed on Draenor in the meantime as it caught up to the present. In that time, the young hedge wizard turned into a middle aged man now older than his mother and lived an entire life in the savage world. In that time, he romanced a Blackrock orc and had a son - a half-orc named Galgar Flamehair. When the mag’har, including Galgar, escaped Draenor, Ethan stowed away and some of you had the pleasure to meet him literally just after he got back to civilization. [Point of note, this is based on the character being literally left aside since Warlords, so I decided to incorporate this into his backstory]

Galgar joined the Horde and fought for it for some time, until he was captured by the Alliance in Stormsong Valley. When Ethan learned of it, he started regularly visiting his son to try to mend their relationship. However, the half-orc would not let himself stay a prisoner, as his orcish sense of honor would not let him. He eventually escapes and that’s where you come in.

Ethan has taken to calling some of you friends after the past few events. So he’s asking you for help in finding his son and whatever troubles result from it. Because the son is a half-orc (and in game terms, a Horde character) it involves cross faction RP. So how do we do it?

Requirements: Elixir of Tongues, bought from Fizzi Liverzapper in Dalaran Sewers. Buy a couple, we don’t know how long this will take. This is absolutely required for both sides to understand each other’s /say, /yell and emotes.
Recommended: Cross RP add on. You can find it on Curse and it can help with sharing TRP/MRP profiles and whispers.

When: Friday, 5th of April, 8 PM.
Where: Dalaran greenhouse (herbalism trainers).

I heartfully invite all of Ethan’s friends from the guild and outside of it, as well as any other bystanders who want a chance for a friendly encounter with an orc, to join me on a small adventure to find and help Ethan’s son.


I’ll never let them put me on ice again, old man! /spit

(Yes, this is the orc. Adding the post just for flavor)


Intriguing! I plan to attend. :slightly_smiling_face:


I signed up too :slight_smile: I can’t stay longer than 22.00 give or take though, real life claims me, but I hope to contribute until then. Thank you for the invite, and background info! :slight_smile:


Dulvarinn holds up the Elixir of Tongues for closer inspection.

– ‘What ingredients lie within this concoction? Are they lying at all?’

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Thanks for the RP and event!
Realy enjoyed this cross-faction happening.


So… what did you two do over there in Wetlands? Anything fun we missed out on?


That cross-faction aspect really brought it to a whole other level, it was great! Glad you came, Hath :slight_smile:

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And thank you for the event, Ethan! It was a joy to revisit Gilneas, I really cherish that place. And well thought of with the whole cross-faction interaction too, very clever way to pull it off :slight_smile:

You excel in speaking Dwarf! :wink:


We killed orcs as we ‘looked’ for Galgarr. Of course they decided to smash the gnome instead of attempting to duel the tauren, I was the easier target after all.


Me? I know nothing about that. Pay no attention to the cat behind the curtain. :wink:

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