Cyclical Season Of Mastery

How many of you would like to see an SoM that resets every year?

I feel the best part of Vanilla Classic is the beginning and the levelling. End game is great but not sustainable long term. I think a year is long enough to play the game before a reset.

This would give players the choice to join a fresh start official Blizzard server or at least give them an idea of where in the life of the expansion it is.

For me, I think the changes to classic with SoM were good and well thought. Putting the dungeon set quest lines at the start is the best choice. I really feel that the game should be have more of a period of time whereby endgame dungeons are the focus. Would help with activity for groups etc.

Raids should come out as the next thing to do once people are done with dungeons, rather than getting the bear minimal gear needed and skipping to raids for better gear.

For a game that has finite content, regular rests seem to make sense in my eyes. Once we reach our end goals and achievements, we do it all again!

What do you think?

In original SoM they had to buff it even more post release and people quit anyway. Also for some it creates a problem of leveling faster than gaining required gold :wink:

Some private servers did phase 1 without raids and it was one of the best periods in server life. Also itā€™s bit sad that on launch you donā€™t get the leveling dungeons Scourge bosses and that late patch catchup gear like Silithus or EPL turn-ins come in late aside of not always having good itemization (so usable at best prior to MC/Ony with few exceptions).

Also gearing via things like pristine hide of the beast is quite cool :wink:

I think they should make a new season a year after WoTLK that would also last a year (or more?) and have other custom rules - like based on TBC for class balance/different meta or with some end-game class trinkets adressing class problem like say oddball weaponskill for physical dps.

Also the WoTLK fresh realms will answer a lot for future seasons. If people will rush then (which is likely) and then week or two or month after the population drops by like 2/3 because most people seeing level 1 just backtracked to existing realmsā€¦ The more people backtracks the more it will mean people like to think and wish for fresh but less and less to play it :smiley:

A new season, but a Season of something else. We tried Mastery.

Personally Iā€™m not much for starting over - or rather Iā€™m all for starting over, but on the same old servers so that I can keep my progress and start fresh if I like to.

All this to say that I donā€™t really care for Seasonal. I stay in the Era servers.

You can create a new character on Era realm at any time. This isnā€™t Fresh in the definition of ā€œFRESHā€. And SoM will move characters to Era realms.

I know, and I start fresh (my definition) quite often in Era. But I do not like the things tested on the Seasonal realms this time around. And I do not share the hype for FRESH :tm: as I find it overcrowded at first and then lonely because I cannot level in a crowded ralm and am slow to boot, so I get behind. Vanlilla was my dream with new people trickling in all the time.
And I am honestly ambivalent over the SoM Characters joining the ā€˜normalā€™ Era servers. Somehow I think they need their own.

Each season will have changes, thatā€™s their idea for it. And from nature of how people play Fresh - 99% joins at launch.

Yes - obviously :wink: I can only hope for a shift to different interest next time. But then the Era servers are always around.

Thereā€™s no demand for altered vanilla. Everyone throw out whatever they think sound nice for the day on forums. The abomination that is the final product will attract a miniscule portion that got their backhanded wishes come true. SoM is a prime example of said abomination.

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Whatever fresh you make wherever no-changes, changes or murlocs there always will be a part of players not interested and part of the hype lasting one week after launch :wink:

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That is the definition of SoM and if you had cared to look is what they are going to do.

Season of Grouping. 6 person groups.

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Is this confirmed? Iā€™ve heard conflicting stories on the matter.

They said a 12 month cycle in the first announcement about it. I really do wish people would look before talking rubbish, not you Elandra, those who make up their own things.

Yeah completely agree with you. I remember them saying it but with how much of a drop off the player base has had, just got me worried they wouldnā€™t continue it.

I hope they do.

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