Darnassus Architecture

So, I don´t know if you´ve noticed, but the houses in Darnassus have no walls. What´s up with that? I mean, how am I supposed to do ANYTHING in peace, when the whole city can see me?!? Not to mention the tactical disadvantage of not being able to take cover from any ranged attack! Where are the citizens supposed to hide, when an Horde attack comes? I mean, they could disable the teleport they use to get outside of the city, you know, the ONLY passage into Teldrassil, but they never turn it off!
And speaking of teleports- are you seriously going to tell me that it was not made through Arcane magic?!? Druids casting Starfall and other Arcane spells?!? And if you´re gonna claim, that “b-but their power is different, it´s more natural”, I´ll tell you the same thing I told to that Milk Girl that tried to sell me milk from a village cow, saying that “city cows are different.”. NO THEY ARE NOT, THEY ARE BOTH COWS, THEY HAVE THE SAME BASIS!!!


Might one be missing the point here? The whole town can indeed see ANYTHING you do indoors, which is the sole reason for that particular architectural choise. And nah we don’t need that much cover from ranged attack, due to our natural agility and flexibility.

As for the portal, it’s always been hard to get volounteers to flick that switch - it’s arcane energy, after all. Yes, druids startfire and the like is a much more “natural” magic, correct. Why else would night elf druids use it? Use logics, man! As for the city cow, can the whole town see what it’s doing in Stormwind? If not, how do you know if it is the same??

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They can all just shadowmeld when a neighbor walks by. :stuck_out_tongue:


Ye cannae get better than th’ stability stone walls provide. Tha’ bein’ said, SOME walls would still be better than none. Even if they’re bloody flamable wooden ones.

Felt odd sleepin’ pretty much out in th’ open those few nights I spent in tha’ inn in Astranaar… then again, guess I should’a’ known better than tae expect private sleepin’ quarters in a town where th’ only bathin’ goin’ on s’ in th’ local lake… which was right next tae th’ town… which th’ inn had a fine view of… because th’ wall facin’ th’ lake was missin’…

Actually, ne’ermind. I understand now why they dunnae put up all th’ walls.


Hey, the big old Woody was a tactical choice! That televator can only “lift” 3/4 of hordies anyhow (them citycows can moo all they want) and even then, only in small amounts. So we’re not expecting any massive attack anyway.

Not like anyone could actually torch the whole thing…! :thinking:


Also, regarding the walls… us elves are called naturists for a reason.

I mean, we like nature, right?!


yes we are all naturalists in the end


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