Date the poster above you<3 #2

You don’t seem terribly openminded. The Void can change that, thankfully. :purple_heart:

Only if you promise to put the crown on. :crown:

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If I can be the queen, yes.

Too cold to cuddle. Cliché but factual.

Yes. I don’t know why, but it feels right.

My type of hunts are those of curious and open minded goats, you and I can walk your wolf and my felhound together. :dog:

There are entirely too many Worgen in here…

Then again, I imagine all of you are lonely.

I believe I have found my Queen of Darkness.

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I would kneel for you, King, but as you might notice.

I am short enough.

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Do the undead gnomes also do engineering?

Why hello there void elf you know there’s a saying there cannot be light without darkness i’d say we’d be able to see if that’s true or not.

This thread is an abomination

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Not as much as your transmog is, though. I do not think that even a demon hunter would date you, and they are BLIND!

My future Highmountain Death Knight bride.

Why do you wear a Silver Hand tabard, traitor?

This one does not. atleast.

Think I’ll pass… :confused:

I prefer Pencil dragons.

Och! It’s all green in the picture! Still, beggars can’t be choosers…

Get yer coat lass, you’ve pulled!

I will have my date, sausage vendor. It is only a matter of time.

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I always wanted to dance with Death.

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Death, wolf… would love to, lady…
…but that crown
Whats with the elven girls and crowns these days?
Sorry girl, have to refuse