Date the poster above you<3 #2

is that a skin colour joke?

You are too low level. Iā€™ll wait for you to be level 18 at least and then we can date.

Iā€™d blight you all night lo-- Imeanwhat

Iā€™d burn you all night long

This thread is a manifestation of all things wrong with AD.

Maybe, but mind if we manifest some time between the covers?

Youā€™ve got a date, blueberry.

Looks at the profile pic

Is it your beauty blinding me, or is it a lethal dose of radiation?

Either way, totally down for it.

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It is only 3.6 roentgen, from what I heard in Gnomeregan itā€™s not exactly great nor terrible.

Iā€™d guess it would go the same if youā€™d buy me some ale with noodles. Not great, not terrible.

Have to decline. Iā€™m not in to dwarvesā€¦ nothing personal, just heard, all dwarfs have beards and wear many layers of clothing. And your courtships are largely concerned with finding out, in delicate and circumspect ways, what sex the other dwarf isā€¦ but let me buy you a beer :beer:

I am sure you were entirely dashing in life, but the past tense is a deal breaker to me. Do you happen to have a living brother?

Finally a woman with some decent height to her! Even if you are a little on the skinny side.

Come with me to the noodle bar and weā€™ll discuss your training reigime.

Iā€™ll train with you all day, every day.

But weā€™re going to a BAR-bar. With BOOZE.

Iā€™m in, letā€™s go. Weā€™ve been out before and I say it went well!

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A date? HAH, weā€™ll be training for a few hundred years, together as brothers! The best date there is.

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Will you light up my zugzugheart?

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Oh good, you already have your shirt off.

I too loveā€¦ perks.

One date and I will have stolen your heart.

Donā€™t worry, you wonā€™t need it.

ā€œCome here little beautiful goaty girlā€¦ donā€™t be afraid the big bad wolfyā€

:goat: :skull_and_crossbones: :wolf: = :heart:

I am-ā€¦ Very concerned. - Maybe the Shalā€™dorei were right to join the Hordeā€¦

Ehhā€¦ Well, whilst iā€™m here how about a darling date to Elunes sacrifical alters?