Date the poster above you<3 #2


Do you like Cold mountains? I was born in a ridge full of them… My clan lived and are living in one now…

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Yes… YES! I’ll date you very much!

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Dangerbeard looks at Emnisia and her brilliant golden Lightforged armour.

“I’ll assume that committing war crimes together is out of the question. Dang. Wanna go for a long romantic walk on the beach or something?”

I like me ale as i like me dwarves: dark and dangerous.

I like a good beard but this is excessive. Let’s be excessive together.

You teach me what you know about demonic magic.

I’ll show you my “toy” collection and a big wand :wink:

Those goggles look quite alluring.

You again?! i na be forgettin dat time i be pickin’ ya up for de teambuilding trip.

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By the way, did your void-infused ravasaurs got better?

Only if… You put that knife away.

How about you keep that knife and you and i can have some fun, fun. :wink:

Hello there old friend. :wink:

General Kerogmi. You are a bold one…

Well aren’t you a little cutie, just hold on a sec, I swear I put my shrinking ray here somewhere… Soon we can go on a date you and I!

You and I could go into Horde territory to hunt Forsaken scum.

If we get captured, well just remember I’ve been caught in a bind or two before and I’ve escaped them.

Now tell me who could offer you a more exciting date?

You and me, throwing bombs at the Forsaken together.

They may be my ‘‘allies’’, but I don’t like them, and I can just dress up as a gnome.

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Oh hey… i also don’t like forsaken, even as allies… But bombs? Hmm…

Dearest Kump,

if in doubt, I can invite you on an instructional trip to the inn, and instruct you on how to use said bombs. Do not fret. The A.S.A.P holds assured you won’t blow up others than the forsaken.

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Not gonna work. I don’t want fleas in my perfectly kept hair. <,<

That is preposterous! I will have you know that a man in my field aim for perfection in our attire and looks. There is no fleas to be found on me.