Date the poster above you<3 #2

Wanna get hitched?

Don’t worry boys, there’s enough Veshj for both of you :wink:

Now let mama sit on your laps.

I feel i am the true target of this.


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Don’t worry Kump, you’re great!

My apologies, my gnome friend. I have decided to go with pandaren alone.

And your small size would make it feel strange, as well.

I’m afraid this blade might be a bit too broad for you.

I’m afraid you wouldn’t survive the night.

My toughts exactly, green skinned invader from another planet…

And you are about to get invaded too.

All this talk of invasion… what you really need are a pair of extra large dumplings.

I’m indeed hungry, though.

Do you cook fishes aswell?

No, but we could enjoy the fire.

Perhaps another one off the North of Kalimdor?

Hope you don’t mind the radiation…

I am sorry Maiq, I don’t think this will work out :frowning:

Alyrette up there however might be a different story!

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That shirt makes you look :fire:. Join me in my tent this eve.

Do you have some room in that tent for me too?

Tents are cozy, but a view of the stars is much more romantic - as long as you’re not getting too cold.

A pandaren can cook anything. It’s our national sport.

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Still waiting for my noodles.

And i still demand the “thing”…