Delete this

The server Frostmane was set to merge with Aggra and Grim Batol during the scheduled maintenance. All servers that were being merged during that time are back online, however Frostmane has completely disappeared from the server list.

EDIT: I AM dumb

What?! really o.o… how does blizzard Accidently Delete a Entire server?! Lmfao. well thats not gonna cause Fear Upon others who are having their servers merged…

hope they fix this ASAP…

I really hope I’m a dumb dumb and I’m missing something in this case, but the server was at the top of my Realm Selection list, and now it and all the characters on there are gone. I can’t select them to post on the forums either, which doesn’t fill me with confidence.

I can see Frostmane in realm select, just order it by name and there is it, between Executus and Frostwhisper.