Deleted item not in restore item list

I deleted Scholomance key, want it restored. Item did not appear on the restore item page which wwas 5 pages long. Possible that I realised to late if there’s a time limit on how long items stay on list.

Character have since transfered and restore item list reset with transfer, key defineatly not in list now.

How can I the key back?

Find a keymaker shop in stormwind

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Is there one in Classic?

Cool with fast usefull reply tho.

It was just a joke x)


Well u fooled me. Shame!

I have bad news, since you’ve figured out now that the item restoration list resets with a character transfer that also means you’re not able to restore the key.

This also means in practice that GM’s are not able to assist you restoring the key because they see the same list you’re seeing when you open up the self item restoration feature.