Destro Locks are disgustingly broken

Yeah there is, CB is one of them. As said, it can drop people in a matter of few seconds, that is, anywhere from 1 to 4, and you can very easily get 1-2 casts out, combined with moderate damage from other partners. There’s a reason wlocks are so strong this meta.

You’re assuming a situation of no dampening, 100% health, all abilities and defensives and optimal situation for the player.

I’m assuming a situation where they got few of those, and they have limited if any control over their character, and as a punishment they get cheesed by a bolt or two supported by their partner.

Do I think warlocks are the only class quilty of this? No. But that doesn’t make them any less so.

The amount of effort you put in vs results in the case of CB is obviously broken. It gives too much for what it takes. It is too rewarding.

The warlock example doesn’t disvalue anything- That’s just another possibility. You realize that multiple possibilities can exist simultaneously, yes?

I never said any of those, which is why I’m still waiting for you to find a quote where I said any of that, and I’m going to assume you’re wrong if you can’t find one.

Convenient, you seem to never need to. How cool it seems to be to have been blessed with Holy Grace and to never need to justify but always demand others do so.

Thats just wrong. Getting of two chaosbolts in a row is extremely rare. Also you should be able to reflect the big infernal chaosbolt That can hit for around 80-90k in theory tho never really ramps up that high cos u dont get to spend so many shards.

Destro locks are one of the best specs atm but not like there are no other specs doing equally well. The way you complaion about them is just unreflected whining.

I dont think we need to talk about this more.
There is many combs that can play around destro very well too.

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Sure… I think I am done with responding to you… it feels pointless to point out your inconsistencies when you don’t admit them and just attack me for pointing out.

That’s how burden-of-proof works… yes I do conveniently pick my fights, that’s true.

However if somebody claims God exists because he’s mentioned in Bible, I’d also call it as logically inconsistent as it is non sequitur and I’d also decline to present evidence for God not-existing as I did not make any argument of such thing.

Same way I did not make any argument about Warlock being broken or not why responding to him (I did make while repsonding to others tho) so I do not need to defend positions which I did not claim to hold.
You can call it convenient and maybe it is, but that’s how it is. If I didn’t say anything I’d also not have to defend anything. It’d also be convenient. But nevertheless correct.

I think we can end this thread with everyone agreeing destro lock is broken. Now let’s wait till changes are happening in 2048 to improve other classes to deal with destro locks


Nah, everybody agrees they’re not.

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You are literally the only one i’ve heared since Locks became broken to claim they are not. Reasoning i quitted were destro locks and probably to some degree Ferals but that doesn’t matter.

I think i never did fight much more cancer than destruction warlocks in this season and i already thought survival hunters in WoD would take that place.

I’m already playing Monk the most praised OP melee in this game and even then you feel helpless against destro locks.

I just want to see Affliction being viable without this Demon Armor bs and without this UA stacking


Truth isn’t dependant on how many people you hear it from. So that’s irrelevant.

You might feel helpless, not me. I feel alright, I have positive winrate against Destro on literally every class I play decently, even on Holy Priest and Holy Pal.

Well that won’t happen if you’re required to hard cast 5x same spell in order to deal same damage as regular melee while at the same time dispel completely counters you and you’re immobile easy-to kill target.
Affliction is just a collection of downsides. Other classes usually have some great advantages… Affli doesn’t. His spot at the bottom of all specs is very well deserved. But hey, if they used some design similar to WoD or Cata for Affli, I’d like to see it more too.

completely and utterly delusional


Argueing with this blind lock is impossible.
Better rename to “Silence”, might be better cuz ur whisper is getting annoying for everyone here.

I will even pay for it.

Well that really is a lot to ask for ;D I hope so too.

well all you do is to apologize your incompetence to learn how to play against Warlock with that Warlock is broken, yet you fail to provide any argument… repeatedly

also kinda annoying, especially when DLock is one of the easiest class to counter, as it is one of very few specs that need to hard cast their ‘spenders’. Other specs than Destro Lock are Affli, Demo and Arcane Mage. I think that’s it.

BTW Funny that you agree that locks are broken, but if you look at actually somebody not - biased - like skill capped, they don’t actually agree with you

as Mr. Monk here has a comp, that’s better than any Lock comp…
Locks aren’t even Tier 1

Huge yikes


Do you have sh*t for brains? Every R1 warlock has been meme’ing the state of destro, several R1s (Of other classes) and Gladiators state it’s broken.

You, a hardstuck 2.1k player is struggling with rating gain even in BFA claim it isn’t :thinking:
Buddy, you may need to go back to those special ed classes if you cant accept or admit destro is busted


Do you have sh*t for brains? Every R1 warlock has been meme’ing the state of destro, several R1s (Of other classes) and Gladiators state it’s not broken.

You, a hardstuck 55lvl player is struggling with rating gain even in BFA claim it is :thinking:
Buddy, you may need to go back to those special ed classes if you cant accept or admit destro is not busted

BTW where is your proof? I gave you link to an actual site that’s been collecting data from multiple gladiators and R1… instead of you claiming that data supports you but not giving any

You are ready to argue with everyone about everything…

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I don’t argue with Skill capped.
And if they have Frost DK as lower tier, I’d not come here to claim it’s the most broken thing ever and I’d rather assume that if I lost to it, it was my fault.

However if you come across Warlock then even though it’s tier 2 for some unknown reason you think that you lost rather because warlock was broken?.. well…

And even 10000 people can disagree, but if they have no evidence, there is no reason to believe them. More people than just me believe in Allah and more people than just me believe in Jesus. If I believed people just because there is more of them, then necessarily I’d believe in non-true as not both Christians and Muslims can be correct.
Therefore I do believe in weitght of arguments, not amount of people bearing them.

And it just happens “I lost to lock” is for me weaker argument than “Skill capped tiers Warlock as tier2”

I can honestly see why you’re unable to push any rating as destro, imagine thinking skill-capped is any form of evidence for the meta, when the Active ladder representation (plus the ‘live’ tracking of xuna) states and showcases otherwise.

Enjoy being delusional, you’re clearly too autist*c to learn or accept correct information if it doesn’t fit your narrative.