Dh vs mind control

How the f it is possible à dh around 40% life sitting in a full duration mc, is full life at the end =O

(just in case, no my healer didn’t heal him).

Was he playing with a resto druid? Or had vitality conduit on him?

Hpaly, I also though about conduit but if I’m right even if he use it it’s suppose to stop while in mc same like when you line.

Also at the end when I checked my dmg, this guy ‘’ parried’’ my voodoo doll trinket, seriously this is so stupid :<

HPaly aura https://www.wowhead.com/spell=199324/divine-vision -10% magical dmg by DH, DH H2full in a few seconds. He can die only in 6-second stun with burt. This class is broken by default.

I know what does the aura but I mean mc is supposed to stop all kind of healing except hots.

I don’t really know what happened.

Y dh is never a good target even more for spriest when he passively heal my damage easily and randomly.

Hilarious to see warlock compaining about DH :joy: your class is the most broken alongside with rogues + pve trinkets :shushing_face:

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Imagine trolling a demonology warlock when you play the most broken and disgusting spec in every aspect possible.


What about Paladin beacons ? Does MC prevent Beacon of Light healing ?

And he is b.o.o.s.t.e.d cause playing dh was 2 hard


Tbh I have no idea, I guess it doesn’t but not sure.

It’s in moment like this I would like to record my game more often xD

I hate that feeling when you wish you’d recorded your game to see what happened

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Yeh it sure is hilarious to see a demo lock, one of the most dead specs around at the moment, try to figure out what went wrong in a game he just played.

Prime example of demon hunter brain right here.


LMFAO, this guy again, the one who claims to have high ratings meanwhile asking ppl on forum “what is the easiest class to achieve Gladiator ?” Lmaaaao, you are hiding like a lil girl when I call you or your team out, but yeh I can see who is b.o.o.s.t.e.d :joy::joy::shushing_face: #dhmasterrace #bowdown #Iownyou #easyclap

0 braincells left from pressing and so on


Dayum, 123 bow down to me boi, keep on dodging and sleeping on forums. When you man up hit me up for sum pvp lessons boiah #clickclak #bang #mandown

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1.2 1.2 u know wheere ur opinion matters ? Not in this forum cause u play dh

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U really are 12 years old my man :joy::joy:

I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone on this form as cringe as you. That takes a lot.


Aww, u hurt my feelings, wont be able to sleep tonight

Good. That’s what I was going for.