Disc priest is dead btw

idk if anyone plays disc here but i struggle a lot. the only somewhat viable comp i played is disc mage. then i lose vs 1900 people if i play with any other class.
i dont feel like the game is balanced for disc.
its either lack of healing or lack of surviability. or shud just nerf melees?


Every disc comp is better with another healer. Didn’t see a single priest in the last 2 cups. Disc is very much dead yes.


Idk what you mean I like having zero mobility.
I also like my deff cds being countered immediately by things like grip, ring of trash.
I also like the mana nerf it free’d some of my hotkeys like purge or MD since pressing them would make you auto lose if you don’t kill soon after that.
The fact that a monk with crane or rdrood passively does more dmg than me is also reasonable.

I mean you can still get high rating if you tryhard but the specc itself is the least rewarding pce of sh*t I’ve ever played. Just no fun involved anymore.
Guess WoW is a sinking ship anyway.


Well i know you struggle but for ret paladin i prefer disc than any other healer.

maybe thats coz u aim for 1700 not for 2500 like i do


Actually I see still some discs above 2,1k. They are playing pure offensive to make high pressure.
But as you said, compared with other healers is priest kinda bad.

Yeah and as soon as you counter pressure and force them to Shadow mend it’s kinda autowin.


Discipline seems like a difficult spec to balance.

If it’s viable, then it inevitably brings more offensive power to a comp than any other healer. That atonement healing is very novel, but it’s a two-component healing whereas all other healing is single-component. And if you nerf it, then it’s a nerf to both aspects of the spec.

Then it had the whole absorption healing going for it in the past, and to some degree still has, and that was also difficult to balance around. Being able to pre-emptively bank healing on your teammates is inherently more powerful than standard reactionary healing. So obviously the absorption has to be weaker or limited somehow, but then Discipline struggles to keep people alive when there’s lots of incoming damage over a longer period of time. And there’s just no middle-ground to be had there.

And in PvE it’s no better. The spec can be complete garbage in any uncontrolled PuG environment, whilst at the same time be completely overpowered in an organized high-end raid environment. The balanced middle-ground just doesn’t exist.

It must be a developer’s nightmare to try and balance that spec.

For PvP I never understood why Blizzard didn’t focus more on Holy Priest instead. That spec is way more straight-forward and would be much easier to balance since it’s so similar to the other healing specs.

Discipline is forever doomed to a rollercoaster experience of:

“Omg Discipline is broken. It needs serious buffs now!”
Discipline gets buffed
“Omg Discipline is completely overpowered now. It needs huge nerfs!”
Discipline gets nerfed
“Omg now Discipline is awful and unplayable. It needs big buffs Blizzard!”

Rinse and repeat ad infinitum.

Sorry to tell you but here are like 10 spec are dead… not only disc…


Useless comment.
When theres only a total of 5 healers in the game you should make sure that all of them are equally balanced to not make the game one sided and boring cuz u only face certain combs/speccs.
Yes there are some dps speccs that suck like BM hunter but guess what you can just play survival and problem solved(yes blah blah blizzard should make all speccs available we all know that story) .
What are you gonna do as disc? Play holy? Well yeah, no.
So before posting your opinion public think about the state of the game then I am sure you are gonna spread less non sense :slight_smile:

Disc IS BROKEN AS F U C K and i won’t beat around the bush.

I play WW/Disc at 2.7 CR i don’t think Disc is really bad in 2v2 like you described it’s just an personal issue. But Disc is still weak though.

i guess so. but rly it feels impossible to win some teams like ww+mw etc if i dont play with utility specs like frost mage, ww etc
i mean losing to 1900 teams by default? rly? just getting tunneled down most of the times vs ww/dk teams in 2s

What you just told here is no sense…

So is this game

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If those spells can be around then disc atonement healing can as well.
If you can rely entirely on atonement healing the chances are that the opponents can’t deal damage.

I hope it remains dead. That spec has some proper cancer spells.


20 specs are dead
pvp is dead because class design is to copy moba design except that they cannot even balance they 4 abilities that each class has left


Is RMP no longer good? Or are we only speaking 2v2 here?

RMP is very good and that’s probably best Disc’s comp.
But RMD is better.

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It’s fine, it’s not “very good”.