Dks pvp awfull

2s feels awfull
3s feel like we help op classes to one shot and even then
Tag/walking dead is b tier comp
1v1 is even worse
Unholy is totally ruined
Blizzard fail hard on dk class desighn/balance in pvp


Meanwhile the only developer of blizzard team responsible for class design typed in google “what is pvp”


The class needs a complete overhaul. But of course, considering that they are lazy and stubborn, and since they never do anything on time and it is always too late when they realize that something needs to be done, we will probably see that in the next expansion, and maybe not even then.


If nothing changes, there will be no next expansion.


i agree DK pvp is terrible .

i switched to hunter and its not great here either BUT , its LOADS better than DK

DK needs actually Damage and pressure or maybe 2 death grip charges baseline

try bm it pumps in pvp like hell

yh i know, its easy, but on topic about DK. just Reroll, blizz only balance via Numbers. if DK is the least played in pvp it will get a buff

I would defend blizzard and say its hard to balance a class with a stun immunity when the entire pvp game is designed around stunlocking2win

But i lose 80% of my hp in 1 secound and i heal 7% back with my deathstrike? pfft, bs blizbread pls buuf, my victory rush heals the same amount!

bm passivly kill me threw my healer healing same as rogue same as war
game is based about op meta classes pumpin dmg

this. i stopped playing my dk it was too awful. So i leveled and geared a shadow priest, it’s actually a shock: now enemy health bars are actually dropping down when i target something in pvp, i had completely forgotten this feeling! Stop playing your DKs is the only way guys

i am hitting 10k obliterates, meahwile

  • i am getting stomped by 34k final verdicts
  • instagibbed by convokes with back to back 17k starsurges
  • globaled by shadowstrikes
  • being controlled by for 20sec+ by just one rogue
  • hybrids healing more than actual healers
  • unkillable ferals with this new gimmicky build from snupy
  • healers are literal gods in bgs
  • getting deleted by enhance and ele burst
  • mages having more ways to heal and cheat death than any other pure dps class

this game has become trash in pvp to an almost unbearable amount. i still dont know why i still suffer through it. problem is there is no damn alternative


yeap dk is a pile of pure pup

Disc priests*
Paladins can die, although you need to cycle through bubble,freedom & divine protection first.
Rshamans/druids/holy priests/mistweavers are flat out deleted if focused.
Discs passively heal with attonement and have an additional 30% dmg reduction if melees hit them.

i have honestly given up on this 9.0.5 patch i haven’t stumached to log in for over a week now 2 hand frost dk is the only thing i want to play but the entire talent tree is passive none interacting bad Choices were at the mercy for having high secondary stats just to even do any damage were support class in pvp horrendous pvp talent choices chill streak being the outcry there just like the pve being breath it’s a bad time to be dk altogether from a design point of view

Never forget, NEVER FORGET, the priest thread in the beta and alpha forum did not hold a candle to the DK one in lenght and constructive ideeas and feedback, they got new talents ( as far as i know) strong reworks of talents, new passives, new systems and baseline rotations, while DK time and focus was spent 70% on unholy, treading so much water changing abilities and talents, and yet dont getting it right, numbers are there in PvE, the GCD annoyance still present, rest of dev time was spent on Blood and some tuning on blood talents, while frost talents where basically untouched, 2 hand and the new passive tacked on with no thought etc etc, and yet priests cmplain and say we are fine, i spit on them and their hubris

honestly its not worth the effort, just reroll

Its kind of painful because the gameplay is kind of fun but the class just feels like a relic from different era and is just like trying to run after people with rocket on their boots while i run on fresh tar.

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