Do failed free transfers expire/cancel at some point

I got this error during my attempt to do a free transfer to Mograine:

“Please address these issues”: The transfer is not currently available for this character’s faction.

For an entire day, I have this cogwheel on my character. I can’t really change my faction, so what can I do now? Even if I change my faction, I have characters with horde in the other server, so it still wouldn’t go through.

If I use change faction in WoTLK, would I keep my achievements - like the one for killing faction leaders?

I tried it yesterday and mine disappeared when I logged out.

My cogwheel is present ever since I tried it. It disappears only after I try the paid transfer. Even so, whenever I relog to the server it appears again. I believe it disappears only in UI sometimes, but it persists in DB.

I think, they are fixing it now. At least, it could be the bug they temporarily closed the transfers for. Transfer Restrictions and Free Character Transfers Now Available-- Updated 22 November - #651 by Kaivax

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I think so. But my best guess is either it has 0% to do with my effort (although I spammed a lot) or they believed me just after they tried to execute my transfer and found it for themselves.

It was funny how even if I mention briefly about free transfer cogwheel of death (in my ticket), they just used it as an excuse to type their “can’t bypass limitations” crap.

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