Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

assumes Kyle’s form

Looks yummy actually.


Even in milan we had a good rain. Just 1 hour. But now the city no more seems on mustafar

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We’ve got forest fires here.

One day it was 29° and the next day 19° and rain. This planet has issues me thinks

Some nice chilli stew with cheesy garlic bread? Oh yes


eh… i feel you. my country is always plagued by fires in summer.

We used to have a nice mild climate and now it seems like there’s a new extreme every year. The winters are becoming non-existant too. Not that I’m a winter person, but… We’re becoming Mediterranean.

youll begin to use :pinched_fingers: shortly…

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Ahahaha, I allegedly already have some Italian heritage and it’s my favorite cuisine so I’m on the right path :slightly_smiling_face:


Also… I miss Venice! Will go there later this year, can’t wait! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hey my favorite cousin is italian too! :crazy_face:
(Sorry, I had to. I will let myself out)

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as an italian i always laugh at this


Bwahahahah “tu sei un pazzo” :joy: That scene always gets me :grin: (also series are so much more fun in the original version, I hate dubbed stuff) :slightly_smiling_face:

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“Ah, Italy, it’s 9am and I’ve already kissed 8 guys twice.” :smile:

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Also that guy talks like Italians that are born in German-Switzerland and have that weird half German - half south Italian accent, we call them “secondos” or “minchiaweisch” :rofl: :joy:


“Weisch” is a slang term in Swiss German dialect for “you know” (in proper German it would be “weisst du”)

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…what is even winter? The last few years I’ve barely even seen any snow. :frowning_with_open_mouth: Just a few times in mostly January and that was it. Compared to it, summers are always crazy hot and dry these days - used to hate rain when I was little and nowadays praise it. Times change :smiling_face_with_tear:

Some of this German slang is quite hard to understand… learned about one, something like “Wo bi du gwää?” which is supposed to be “Wo bist du gewesen?” aka, where have you been :sweat_smile:

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I Switzerland that would sound like “Wo bisch du gsii?” :rofl:

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Pizza Frizzle? Nice, what are we having?

(wrong char. Can happen to the best of us.)

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