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Clown found a new kebab shop not too far me. They opened a few months agoā€¦

I guess they forgot to invite me to the ā€œpremiereā€

Tried a falafel in pita and also a kebab in pita (6+8ā‚¬) and it tasted real nice.
(donā€™t worry, I didnā€™t eat it all, saved most for rest of the day!)

One of the owners is from Lebanon and the other from Morocco

Clown is happy and we hope all of you are as well :clown_face:


What did you do again? :kissing_heart:

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Iā€™m not happy, but it is nothing new really.

i am happy that youā€™re happy though!


What a contradiction right there :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Iā€™ve got to see this - never tried falafel, or even if I did I donā€™t know about it. :clown_face:

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I guess itā€™s not as popular as kebab in most EU countries.


And yes, you can add bacon and pineapple if that is your wish :clown_face:

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lols peoples rage quited the match when i got 75 kills as support/healer in OW today ā€¦
35-75 kills in every game peoples just left mid game :rofl:

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Aaaaaandā€¦ caviar or shrimp?
Or bothā€¦? :thinking:

If you like the taste, eat it!

Now imagine Gnome kebab. Oh my :yum:

you know the difference between being happy about yourself and someone else right?

obviously not.

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I once ate cheerios cereal with bang apple energy drink. I ran out of milk. It was nice

I understand you

wondered why you always smelt funny.

Cereal with beer insted of milkā€¦ :eyes:

Here comes the madatory fish tacco joke :grin:

if i run out of milk i just eat dry cereal.

maybe chuck a bit extra fruit ontop

unless u happen to have a spare yoghurt laying aroundā€¦ then i use thatā€¦

ā€¦i bought a bullet juicer recentlyā€¦ been having vanilla icecream and strawberry smoothies in the morning. (with sparkling water)

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i actually prefer cockleā€™s to shrimpā€¦

though i do enjoy king shrimp during a meal ā€¦ something satisfying about breaking them out of the shell.

not a massive fan of lobster though oddly

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Lobster and crab cream cheese

And of course there is also bacon cream cheese

Sweden isnā€™t all THAT badā€¦

i imagine that is perfectly healthy for your arteries lol

Literally man made horros beyond comprehension.
Especially the bacon one.
Even worse than Kalles kaviar.

Per 100gr
Calories 200
Fat 16g
Carbs 0,7g
Protein 15g
Salt 3,5g

Itā€™s cheese in lazy format. Eat with moderation and youā€™ll be just fine mate!

Iā€™ve been eating like a pig (but working out like a lunatic) for over 21 years.

So far so good! Unless the doctors are lying to me on my yearly visits.