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What toilet paper do you use?

back in the 1960’s/70’s when my mum was a mere youngen…

my grandmother used to cook a meal for herself and my grandfather …

then with the left over fat take 1 slice of bread and dip it in the fat…

then serve that as a meal for my mum and her 6 siblings

EDIT~ they all grew up to develop type 2 diabetes, and 3 of them had heart related problems which nearly killed them

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The manly one!


Anyone can get very unlucky even if you live a perfect life.

Try to enjoy yourself! Within reasonable limits :wink:

im still using all the toiletroll i bought during the first wave of the pandemic…

(joking ofc)

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that’s the funny thing… to the outside world… my mums family looked like the perfect family…

but behind closed doors… there was a lot more darker truths to it.

it was all about appearances back then

sadly a lot of people still live like that today as well

one way infront of people another behind their backs…

at least with me u get what u see lol.

Sounds like “dopp i grytan”
Best one is basically just beer n broth.
Christmas goodness! :yum:

Poor Frizzle

I will send some high quality meat your way

If it taste funny, ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies :clown_face:

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Something similar is used on toast. once that liquid becomes solid, like a very fatty version of butter.

Just add spices and voila, poor man’s toast

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i think they used to called drizzle back in the day,

but i cant exactly remember…


it was basically just solid fat bread…
EDIT: the chippy used to feel bad for them so used to give them ‘scrumpy’ all the left over bits of batter and off cut chips for free lol.

thinking about it that man prob saved their lives.

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there was a takeaway a few years ago just down the road from where i used to live at the time called “smokies” they done the best blue cheese burger i ever tasted.

the burgers themselves (the meat) used to be 2.5" thick

edit: i live about 3 doors away from the same chippy which used to give my mum free food back in the 60’s now …


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Is that them impossible burgers types that are basically just pure estrogen? D:

I’ve only eaten blue cheese burgers once and it was at a friends bbq in his yard.

All home made, stuffed some blue cheese in the middle of the burgers. Very juicy and rich in flavour!

Not sure. But it’s good to question the meat before we eat


yeah these were stuffed too … hand made.

i prefer to get all the ingredients separately and make my own monstrosities of burgers personally.

sometimes if i’m in the mood i will even make the buns myself.

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Pear/blue cheese flavoured cream cheese

And on the tube it says “Perfect on the gingerbread cookie!”

Press clown’s nose for doubt :clown_face:

depends how sweet the pear is… it needs to be more bitter to work well with blue cheese imo

too old and the blue cheese will overpower it though

not something i would want either way…

blue cheese and grape maybe.

The black I can live with, but I am hesitant to trust anything that green… :eyes:

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