Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

makes sense ^^

green is actually my favourite colour.

it is the colour most associated with life and health imo…

means i am a sucker for anything green…

especially females with green eyes. lol

EDIT: i also have green eyes… and red hair…(not ginger) which makes me a curiosity

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I loathe fake meat products.
So much is messed up to make it remotely the same as the real meat original that it always ends up with some weird “quirk” like 10 times the daily amount of sodium or enough estrogen to make you lactate and in the end still taste, smell and look like just a worse meat product.
Instead you can take a reasonable amount of the same ingredients and make an actually tasty and healthy plant based dish by just simply not trying to make it into a hamburger.
Plants are plants!
Meat is meat!
And they’re each perfect as they are in their own ways.
Stop trying to make something into what it isn’t! >:I

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I hope one day, you will become a Robocop!
Never give up on your dreams my friend

Green is health for you.

I trust the green

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It is called radioctive green I presume?
:radioactive: :biohazard: :nauseated_face:

I am a short diaper-wearing angry blue robot burrito!

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I think the rabbit stew joke went over your goat head.

i actually ate dandelions while out camping once … because i ran out of food…

did you know they are perfectly healthy to eat and are in fact one of the best plants (vitamin wise) to eat.

Maaaaaaaaybe… :no_mouth:
Eh, who am I kiddin’?
Totally :expressionless:

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It’s ok friend. The foodie guild still likes you!

Ooooh yumm yumm

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Dunkiee will be here with felweed in 10 :herb::herb::herb:


I know that dandelion wine tastes like absolute garbage but it gets the job done ^^


yeah thing which generally are supremely healthy for you generally taste like trash … such is life.

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that is why cooked food tastes so good… food is not meant to be cooked … humans invented it.

:edit i would go as far as saying… back in hunter gethering days when raw food was consumed… it tasted bad so people woul dnot consume too much of it…

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4 days a week, I quite enjoy my chicken breast filets with a little bit of bbq oil, brown rice with bbq/all around powder and ehhhh boiled broccoli. Yes, the broccoli. So tasty.


No kidding, this post was made exactly 10 mins ago… clockwork precision! :herb:


does sound lovely… i am so busy with traveling these days i rarely get chance to cook myself a solid meal being single and living alone… so i generally make things which last a few days…

or i dont eat at all.

i used to eat steaks well done…

but one day i started eatting them bloody and never went back…

i dunno why always tasted like a better meal that way.

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