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They just couldnā€™t handle me

I can be quite a handful, or two handfuls :cowboy_hat_face:


my old friend before our friendship collapsedā€¦ once said to me ā€¦ if he and his GF was to ever marryā€¦ he would want me at the wedding as best man on one conditionā€¦

i showā€™d up wearing a inflatable Kawaii Potato costumeā€¦

i would of done it too.

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I generally donā€™t get too many invites to social gatherings.

Only close circuit ones.

I lack aā€¦certain level of social filter. I eat a lot and everything is amusing to me.

Or perhaps itā€™s the clown make up!

(Life is too short to care too much of what others think)


i get invited to ones by people which

A. only just met me and think im cool and chill
B. known me for a very long time.

the in between are the ones which generally do notā€¦ they either hate me for reasonsā€¦ or rather not lol ā€¦

and im too old and lazy to make too many ā€¦

ā€œknown me for a long timeā€

friendships anymore.


Sounds about right :wink:

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truth be told i actually suck big time at small talk in social gatherings where there is multiple peopleā€¦

one on one i shine ā€¦ i can be myself and show my true coloursā€¦

but when there is multiple people to impress and being someone who is generally pretty good at reading responses(body language, facial expressions) ā€¦ i rather not deal with it.

i often know what people are thinking before they do ā€¦ and they act shocked when i suddenly act a different way because of it lol.

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I like humans, they are fascinating, most of the time.

But I avoid evil ones and if someone talks about something negative or evil or boring, I just walk away. Usually over to where the food (or other food) is.

I just donā€™t care

Earn my respect and I will be with you until the end! If not, letā€™s drink apple flavoured vodka and eat a burger

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i can tell straight away if someone is not genuineā€¦ even on this forum in textā€¦

irl it can confuse people cause i often just shut those people out completely without saying anythingā€¦ leaving them confused because they actualy havent done anything bad ā€¦


i recently went against my own golden ruleā€¦ and tried to get close to someone i should of shut outā€¦ (a girl)

i am now paying the price of thatā€¦ i should of listened to my instinct.


You seem VERY sure about this so I will not ruin it by more irl details.

I donā€™t eat nearly as much bad food as I sometimes claim(?) perhaps that makes me fake

But the foodie club will survive this I think. It seems very strong and united

I rather regret doing something than regret not doing it

Workout, eat something tasty, watch a nice 80s action/comedy flick, and you are back on track!

I agree. Even a bad experience makes you richer! We should hang out next friday

Thereā€™s no such thing as ā€œtoo many clowns in the basementā€

Why do we sound so communist? :weary:

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i am very sure of this i learned over many years and making many mistakes and suffering many blowsā€¦

now when something is fishy i is just very painfully obvious to meā€¦


well as far as that girl was concernedā€¦ the reason i went against my instinct is i took the ā€˜late greatā€™ briganteā€™s last be advice he gave me on the situationā€¦ i took someone elses advice basicallyā€¦

and it did not pay off.

i will survive though i always do, im made of stronger stuff.

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people mistake invroverted nature for shyness or in some cases ignoranceā€¦

i am someone who is very heavily introverted personallyā€¦

but i am neither shy ā€¦ or ignorantā€¦

and i love to chat to people and hang around with like minded people ā€¦

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I thought it smelled kind of red in hereā€¦


Yeah, well, people donā€™t understand introversion, it can appear intimidating maybe because of fear of the unknown, while extraversion is heavily encouraged.

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This one you can trust!

now i want to see Orc Hairyclown

because these memories were so fun

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i am a oddity personallyā€¦ i am one the most introverted typesā€¦ but i come across as extrovertedā€¦

because i usually am in the centre and spotlight and that is where i shine as wellā€¦

makes me very misunderstood by majority of the human speciesā€¦ unless people get to know me which few doā€¦

because i am a difficult mofo to get to know as i said before most people give up.