Do NOT delete this thread please! 😋

Try chilli oil, its awesome- possibly some lemon and garlic seasoning with it :yum:

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No real balkan/random EU kitchen is a real kitchen without:


Really, any kitchen without garlic is not worthy call itself a kitchen!
It is a hill I’m willing to die on


Would so love a garlic bulb neck mog so i can go round Revendreth unhindered…


perfect example of my luck these days…

just walked 2 miles to the local supermarket…

walked through the entrance and was greeted with “sorry mate we are closing in 5 mins”

i forgot it was bank holiday …

at least the weather was nice.

The Office Blokes sends this thread their best

i always put garlic in mash potato

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I usually start work between 9-1030 to 19 so I like to get all my shopping, cardio and discoing gymming done before work

The old school home made mash is made with lots of butter…you know

But I make mine without the butter and it still taste lovely. Spices!

These foodie noobs need to learn something about SPICES!

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i do not work out on work days personally(well besides pushups and situps when i wake up and before sleep), my work as it is is a lot of cardio and lifting anyway…

i get my workout while working.

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To each their own my friend. We are the same age and by the smell/looks of it, you too have figured out what works for you!

My work at times also requires a lot of forearm action. (inc creepy joke?)

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yea i actually messed up and damaged my left forearm pretty badly 2 weeks ago at work …

transferring mixes cause the machine broke down…

took a entire week to repair itself…

my own fault… i refused help and insisted i did it all myself… 130 bowls of dough over 4 days 200+KG each lol.

was a great workout though!

EDIT: when it usually happens and the machine breaks like that… they have 3 people doing the transferring… and even then they usually have to swap them every hour cause they get worn out.

unless someone physically stops me i have a bad habbit of working myself past failure and into self damage.

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I tend to overshare some stuff on the “wrong” forums. Hence the edits with removed stuff (but that I still think at least you’ve read!)

We all go a bit overboard sometimes

I would love to know your(and others!) personal fav junk food

Every mashed potato needs a pinch of nutmeg
Spicy makes the life interesting!

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Duel at dawn sir !
My weapon of choice is the harpsichord

Then we have a burger

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Clown doesn’t really believe in time. So. whenever you are ready for a nap, let me know

I like this one. They know they will loose (BIG TIME) but they prepare themselves with a burger afterwards.

This is a good foodie people

What kind of burger will I (the winner) receive ?

Something like:

It def used to be potato chips, esp. cheese or paprika flavor, milk chocolate and sour sweets.

Idk rn tbh.


Almost Friday!


i don’t think i have a favourite junk food honestly or food in general…

there is too many good options… equally as tasty as the next.

though in all honesty i have not really had a takeaway in about 2 years now…

i do eat pringles sometimes so i guess that could count ?

since i been working n staying with my dad i pretty much have the same set cycle of meals every week…

it’s a bit boring but it’s nice for him to make anything honestly.

on my days off i just pick up anything i can make quickly… as im usually very tired to spend time making anything fancy

sometimes i do not eat at all for a couple days straight… unless im extremely hungry.

EDIT: how i still find energy to workout some days is a question i do not have the answer too …

i don’t know if im doing this because im tired sometimes or if im doing this because of something else… i do feel like im giving up a bit… but that is a story for another place another time i guess :).