Do NOT delete this thread please! šŸ˜‹

u crayzeh
White pepper is where itā€™s at for pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes.

My personal fave junk food?? either House special kebab from my local (kofte, shish, chicken and donner, complete with 2 pitta breads - enough for 2 ppl but i can polish it off meself) or KFC

why do i laugh like an immature person at those sort of phrases??

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Becuase itā€™s superior, top-notch, gold level comedy!

ā€¦Also becuase I stole it from a tv-show :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


the real question is ā€¦ when you make mash potato do you leave the skin on or not ?

i personallyā€¦

  1. leave the skin on

  2. add raw onion

  3. garlic

  4. grated mature cheddar cheese

  5. whole milk

  6. Unsalted Butter

  7. black pepper

  8. profit.

sauce of choice = mayo

Yo all!
Tonight i had a nightmare about souldefiler who banned my account from wow forum.
Probably is better i stop to talk about the HH mount.


I can be social, people like me when that meet me, mostly.

Thing is , i donā€™t like most people.

I despise these big friend circles. You can feel how a lot of these ā€œfriendshipsā€ are so artificial, itā€™s laughable.

I have 2 very close friends and a bunch of friends that all have their own character and are good people.

Maybe Iā€™m just weird. But if somone tells me , when i ask them what kind of music they like, and they answer ā€œi donā€™t really listen to musicā€ or ā€œcharts and radioā€ i know this person is not for me.


Youā€™re not aloneā€¦ I dreamt Daestra kissed me. :no_mouth: How odd - but so is every dream or nightmare, they say.

Morning yā€™all!


When it gets very hot, I like to swallow ice cubes. It keeps me CHILL!

Have a good day :sunglasses:

Speaking of Daestra, wheres she been hiding to ?? Not seen her in months


She didnā€™t want be mentioned on the forums, but I sometimes get forum members confused in here.

Hope sheā€™s doing alright though

Oh and for the longest time, I was 100% sure that Twiluna and Dunkiee were the same.

Now, Iā€™m only 39% sure they are.


Its all the altsā€¦ i didnā€™t know until recently that Dunkiee was a guy!! :laughing:


a guy i work with ā€¦

actively hated me when i started working thereā€¦ used to make my life hellā€¦

even pushing things in front of me when i was walking past to block my pathā€¦

over the time i worked there i ended up working with him on the same jobā€¦ we eventually started talking and he had a chance few people get ā€¦

a chance to get to know me betterā€¦

now he hangs around me al the time trying to chat and follows me around like a shadowā€¦

never judge a book by its cover.

people always get wrong impressions about me if they dont know me well.

same here on the forums as it is irl.

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Some of the most iconic forum dwellers are now silent. it woyld be interesting to know if they are here with alts or just takin a break.

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i hope they are taking a break personallyā€¦

would do them good.

EDIT: i am lucky in that senseā€¦ i had many involuntary breaks lol which were out of my control.

i still see dejarous posting around here which is unusualā€¦ usualy when deastra disappears he does too for a whileā€¦

i know she was talking about or playing with the idea of quitting the forums for good for a whileā€¦ maybe she finally did it ā€¦

we had a lot of arguments personally but for what its worth she was one of the more fun to argue with on here.


i will say a couple of regular posters seem to of disappeared completely the day i got overturned and returned to the forumā€¦


i hope it isnt related personally but you never know.

if it is relatedā€¦ it was not my choice.

it is funny in new world u can craft now armor u never need to repair when is wow getting that ?

i kind of like repairing armourā€¦

it is a penalty for failure ā€¦i dunno if it still holds up in modern wow honestlyā€¦

but back in tbc (not classic)ā€¦

having to travel out of a heroic after wiping many times to repair was part of the fun.

and are people still playing new world??

i heard they are adding a dungeon finder tool now.

and still they copy proffesions from new world :stuck_out_tongue:

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crafting was alright in new world i guessā€¦

there is better crafting systemsā€¦

i really enjoyed the gathering a lot in new world though ā€¦ could spend hours doing that.